Thursday, June 30, 2022



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

I wasn’t going to go here this soon since finding my happy place in writing about my childhood, grandchildren, friends, and trips taken—

Sitting here, fingers poised over the keyboard while gently directing my mind to be kind, gentle, and polite when the proverb “Nice guys always finish last,” comes to mind. People who are decent, friendly, and agreeable tend to be unsuccessful because they are outmaneuvered or overwhelmed by others who are not so decent, friendly, or agreeable. Am I ringing any bells here, people?

Being nice and decent and friendly might get us into heaven, or whatever space our souls might occupy after we discontinue walking this planet. It’s about time, politically speaking, that we ‘decent folk’ begin thinking more in terms of successfully challenging the “basket of deplorables” who have cajoled, outwitted, outmaneuvered, and overwhelmed us for years and years. Many of these deplorables happen to hold elected office in Washington D.C. and throughout the states!!

Yes, Hillary had named them properly several years ago during her presidential campaign speech and while attempting to fend off the immature creature who stalked her on the debate floor.

When a constitutional law that has set a precedence for the good of fifty percent of the population, Roe v. Wade, is overturned after a half a century of existence, it is safe to say that we, as a nation, have been successfully outmaneuvered and openly overwhelmed! Even though, the entire time he was stacking the Supreme Court with judges of a similar drumpf mind-set, he was, legitimately, telling us about his plans (the republican agenda) to take away a woman’s control over her own body!

Drumpf knew he could get away with murder and line his pockets with gold at the same time by inciting chaos while fueling the fear of Americans who feel unaccounted for, as well as those whose skin color, alone, makes them feel superior over all others. Taking his cues from oppressive dictatorships, past and present, and grasping a long-term republican plan dating back to, at least, the Reagan years, this Putin puppet continues to play his people to this very day.

Shall I bring up gerrymandering (long-term manipulation of voting districts), disallowing a sitting president to fill a vacant SCOTUS seat while having almost one year left in his term of office, or having the republican leader of the Senate literally dictate his venomous beliefs via his blatant lack of action for years? The vermin continue to skitter through the cracks in the form of nasty, gun toting women politicians, as well as seasoned male politicians who have been bought and sold so many times over the years that they are lucky to remember where their precious blood money is currently stashed.

If you feel like the stars above have not been aligning for those of us who are liberal minded and treasure the idea of helping others in as many ways as possible, you are not alone. What does it take to light that fire in our bellies? Is it possible to do so while maintaining our decency and not slipping down into the greed-slickened chutes of personal payoffs with the likes of Manchin and Sinema who refuse the ladders of hope offered to them by the current administration? 

I believe we can make a difference; short and simple. But we have to want it badly enough and be willing to break through the stigma of nice guy and not be overwhelmed by the people leading us back into time by erasing freedom and democracy from our lives through manipulation. For far too long, we have been nice guys getting pummeled by the not so decent guys. 

Without the intention of going down the slippery slope ourselves, it’s time we make a generous tactical maneuver of our own. Let’s begin with dry kindling and graduate up to small branches until the burning of larger logs eventually ignites our desire to get things done. Only then we will allow great changes to happen. We can’t afford to dilly-dally any longer; we need to take action, now!

If we don’t let our voices be heard, loud and clear, or allow our actions to be felt and fully comprehended—consistently—we will continue to slip down the rabbit hole of disgrace without an outlet or resolution of any kind. We’ve played the nice guy card long enough. It’s about time we spread our wings and get down to business. 

Just as the abortion card began with mild restrictions until having an abortion will soon become punishable by their own conservative laws, demeaning women in so many ways, liberals must advance, step by step, until all assault weapons, including the AR-15, are eliminated for private use. Until mass murders become history and the lives of those we love become more important than the guns that can kill them, the reason for fighting to stop their sale should hit all of us long and hard. This concept alone should have given us a stronger resolve, invincible backbone, and helped to save many innocent lives. Where have our strong liberal selves been hiding all of this time? We can do anything, together!

If enough voices are raised in unison, with one mindset and goal, the strength of this action alone would change the world. There is strength in numbers. We’ve done it before; we can do it again and again. But, as I’ve mentioned before, we have to want it badly enough. That fire in our bellies must be stoked by good intentions, true, but also continue to fuel the action needed to make important changes. We must never lose sight of our freedoms. We cannot allow democracy to slide down that greed-slickened chute along with the slimy creatures willing to breach our democracy for their own ill gotten gains.

Let’s stop the forward motion of hatred and strife, ethnic and civil, and redirect this energy to do good rather than evil. Let’s concentrate on making the world a better place for all of the people instead of the few who continue to use their elected powers to brainwash those who would rather work to disrupt the Establishment instead of working with it for the betterment of all.

Without shedding the nice guy approach altogether, (after all, why would we eliminate our own innate capacity to love?), let’s find the resolve to be stronger, more organized, and highly successful this time around. As a small child actually desires structure, discipline, and love in order to survive and grow stronger, the adult versions of ourselves must approach today as a brand new opportunity to decipher right from wrong and work like hell to apply it towards keeping democracy the practice of social equality by and for the people of this great nation.

Don’t you think it’s time; before it’s too late?

Copyright © 2022 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved


  1. Thank you! Always so much to vent about. However, we have to fight now harder than we ever have. That much is plain and simple.
