Thursday, August 18, 2022



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

When I swing my legs out of bed each morning, before they remotely make contact with the floor, there is a small, concise ritual I go through in order to jump-start my day. With our mornings remaining dark and cozy until well after six, the atmosphere is conducive to a relaxed mood and a clear mindset.  

This is my time to converse with that which I believe to be the all-connecting power that is greater than myself and unites us, humankind, together as a whole; one entity that defines our existence and qualifies our essential nature. I have always accepted that we are not set upon this beautiful place we live, Mother Earth, alone and helpless. We will always need and have one another. 

So, my ritual is one of Thanksgiving. And here, after all this time, you thought this celebration only lasted one day, the fourth Thursday of November, and commercially entitled, Turkey Day! Not exactly. I sit comfortably with my shoulders pushed back, my spine straight, and eyes closed. When I am ready, only after taking several deep, intoxicating breaths, I repeat out loud, as often as I wish, two simple words—two words we teach our children to say whenever they are grateful for something like a new toy, an unexpected surprise, or a simple compliment. Straightforward and completely honest, I say out loud, “Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.”

After all, it's pretty wonderful to be able to move, sit up and breathe each morning, isn't it? We are alive to meet-and-greet yet another day and that, in and of itself, is intrinsically very cool!  

Opening my eyes to the new day, it's time to formulate a simple plan for myself. It's time to set my intentions for the day. Yes, making coffee as soon as possible is a good plan, but more of a mandatory requirement for my well-being and sanity rather than a good intention, I think. My thoughts are more in terms of having a purpose or goals set for the day and to design a strategy with the intent of achieving them gracefully and with dignity. 

My goals may be as uncomplicated and purposeful as in sharing a smile with everyone I see that day, or being productive and focussed enough to have written two-thousand words by the end of my workday. Whatever my purpose is, my intent is to see it through to fruition, but knowing that if I do not, I will not beat myself up over it. I will only try harder the following day with several new goals.

This is the time that I sit back and smile, smile, smile as big and wide as I possibly can! You know the kind of smile I'm talking about. The kind that raises your cheeks up high, fills your body with warmth and makes you feel a bit silly sitting alone in the semi-dark looking like the Cheshire Cat on a good day!  With his distinctive and mischievous grin, you can almost hear this Tabby Cat's quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, published in 1866, and remains prevalent today: "Most everyone's mad here. You may notice that I'm not all there myself."

 I cannot take myself seriously this early in the morning. But, I know that my intentions are good and smiling makes me feel good.  So, if during this long, complicated day, I feel as though my body wishes to disappear from time to time, the last thing visible on my face will be an iconic grin depicting a win for kind souls, everywhere.

 Before slipping my waiting feet into blue flip-flops, affectionately known as 'my slippers,' in order to begin my day (making that fresh pot of coffee), there is one last step to be taken in my morning ritual. This is the time for me to forgive myself and ease my guilt over yesterday's mistakes. I remember the goal of two thousand words that only added up to be five hundred. Perhaps my smiles were not as lavished upon others as I had originally intended. Maybe I was a bit too short-tempered with a loved one who made an innocent mistake?  

This is where you set yesterday's misguided actions aside and actually try to understand Scarlett O'Hara's mantra from the classic movie, Gone with the Wind, based on the novel written by Margaret Mitchell: "I can't think about that right now. I'll think about that tomorrow. After all... tomorrow is another day." 

The idea of putting things off for another day used to represent inadequacy in the form of failure or shame for me. Placing my stubbornness and strong will aside for a moment in order to see a much broader picture of the world, and having lived a full, wonderful life (let's just say, a few years now beyond my sixties?), the importance of being patient and more tolerant becomes normal and acceptable. Especially true when dealing with myself!

As soon as I realize that there is yet another chance of 'getting it right' and my deep breaths represent twenty-four new hours of hope and determination, it's easy for me to forgive myself for yesterday's mistakes and understand it’s time to move on.

Now, sitting here sipping my coffee and having placed my day, my life, in order, I realize how cherished these few minutes alone each morning really are. Between the tantalizing aroma of the fresh brew and the prospect of a new day, a new beginning.... and with a  smile on my face the Cheshire Cat would certainly be proud of, I remain calm and carry on.

Copyright © 2022 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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