Thursday, June 1, 2023



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

She was inclined to use her spare time and energy this morning to do a load of linens in the stackable washer and dryer and then make-up their bed in clean sheets and coverlet. He always loved climbing into a newly made bed, placing his left arm around her shoulders and gently pulling her close to his chest to snuggle as they drifted off to sleep. This was a blissful habit they had come to perfect after their many years together.

Tugging at the corners of the fitted sheet was always such a chore. Once done, she neatly flounced the top sheet over it, wrong side up, as her mother taught her, in order to fold back the top of the sheet enough to expose the right side of the decorative trim. Then stretch, tuck, and mitre corners and prepare to cover it all with the Ralph Lauren comforter that never seemed to age after all of this time. 

As she shifted the abstract florals of blue, sand, pale green, chocolate brown, with a small touch of pink and coral to fit neatly on all sides, she ran her hand over the smooth material as a final gesture of contentment, a job well done. Just then, the tips of her fingers on the right hand touched an unexpected snag; a slight rip on one of the filled channels running lengthwise down the cozy comforter. 

Looking closer, she found the one inch flaw that, when gently lifted, exposed the cotton batting inside. She thought, well, this was certainly a first and just when she’d been reminiscing about its apparent longevity. 

Initially, she saw it in the Spiegel Catalog all gloriously muted and beautiful alongside its matching pillow shams, cotton sheets, and dust ruffle. Being a Ralph Lauren creation made it more expensive than most of the other bedding sets she saw but, having an eye for color and quality, she was more than happy to pay for something she felt would last through time, as well as numerous washings. 


The Spiegel experience was a brilliant way to introduce woman from all walks of life and ages to stylish products while in the comfort of their own homes. From home furnishings to the latest clothing trends, this catalog brought everything to the fashionable shopper who wanted it all and each glossy page was a tribute to that cause. Visualize this item in your living room, in your kitchen, on your beautiful queen size bed. And, she did!

The majority of experts have agreed that items over 50 years old but less than 100 years old can be called vintage or collectable, but not antique. Old, but not that old. Now, nearly fifty years later, a small rip attributed to age, flawed the comforter that shared the main bedroom of each and every home they had lived in since their marriage began. So, we are a ‘vintage’ couple, she mused. Are our own flaws beginning to show, as well? She preferred to believe that the patina of older age represented a life well lived; the healthy cumulative years of child bearing, child raising, working various jobs, entertaining family and friends, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, and crying at both daughter’s weddings with the anticipation of grandchildren in the future…would never show as flaws, only joy.

Even though she knew this small rip could be mended, the certainty of more rips loomed heavily in the future. She was a realist, after all. Nothing stayed young or new, forever. Dealing with the aging process was more appealing than allowing it to take-over her life and depress her in the long run. She smiled at the philosophy that if something becomes threadbare or shows signs of age, deal with it directly instead of allowing it to drive you crazy. Life is way too short for that.

Securing her soft-sided sewing kit from the linen closet, she proceeded to assess the situation carefully before deciding on which method to use to repair the tear. After all, if she successfully repaired this tiny flaw today, the precious vintage quilt might become an antique one day. Perhaps it would be passed down to their grandchildren and great grandchildren with more memories to be stuffed deep inside of it like the soft cotton now exposed after nearly fifty years of marriage and too many washings to count.

Copyright © 2023 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved


  1. So sweet, yes i am smiling quilts have years of memories .
    After Bruce passed away I packed up the quilt and putt it in in the attic, every time i see it neatly packed away it brings back so many wonderful memories ❤️
    Hugs from holland wilhelmina ❤️

    1. Fortunately, some things become trigger points for positive emotions and fond memories. Your quilt is very, very special for you. Some of its goodness is recalling all of the care, love, and thoughtfulness you give to others. Bruce was a very loved individual. ♥️😘♥️
