Thursday, April 24, 2014


A series of short stories.....
Grandpa Marion W. Grubbs (Circa 1922) seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

As a card-holding member of the IrishCentral.Newsletter via my Facebook connection.....whatever the hell that means?!?!......I've recently perused their new post entitled, The Worst Irish Insults and Racial Slurs, etc.  Thanks to Cathy Hayes (author) and The Racial Slurs Database (source), I was able to identify something from my childhood that has haunted, and, possibly, greatly warped me, thus helping to create the 'twisted' adult I am today!  No comments, please.....

I enjoy seeing how the rest of the world perceives this friendly, beautiful and mystical race of human beings with whom I have a great affinity with, along with much love and respect for., The Galway Advertiser, WorldIrish, Rare Irish Stuff, Burren Perfumery and, Naill O'Dowd himself....the founder of IrishCentral, are among the many sites I look for everyday on Social Media in order to keep-up with the news, views and events happening within the daily 'breathe' and lifestyle of Ireland. 

Let us not forget Ireland's colorful, albeit often sad, history, as well!  I have written many times about the Great Famine in Ireland that changed the easy-going perception of life as the Irish once knew it and forced a simple, loving group of people beyond the brink and into the depths of disparity.

Marion and Hester
My exceedingly proud paternal grandfather, Marion, was tall, handsome and his smile could stop you in your tracks and make you turn around and come back for more.  He often spoke of his Irish heritage but, he never delved deeply enough to afford us tangible insights into his ancestry which could include dates, towns or experiences.  He was also a very private man.  As an adult, I often wonder just how much my Grandpa actually knew of his past or, perhaps, he knew and never wanted to talk about it!!

His oldest son and my Father, Jack, my namesake, occasionally alluded to certain ideas that he must have picked-up on through the years about his beginnings.  Even these are minimal and, at best, convoluted like a seashell washed-up on a sandy Connemara beach in the summertime.  I recall the feeling of negativity, at best, with terms such as 'Shanty Irish' and 'potato eater' coming to mind.

Olga and Jack Grubbs
The Urban Dictionary defines Shanty Irish as, "Irish decent people who live in filthy dwelling slums.  They have a culture that consists of getting drunk until the room spins, surviving off of TV dinners and counting their freckles....."  Well, I suppose certain stereotypical images of the Irish poor have been and will be spread from generation to generation within a colorful offhand manner and my Dad certainly contributed to his own, mild verbal abuse. 

Thinking back on the lines of my Mother's younger siblings in My Ukrainian Connection, I believe my Dad's attitude can be attributed to 'Generational Beliefs.'  Succeeding WWII, the 'twenty something' generation chose to abandon their pasts and consciously embrace a life built upon The American Dream......literally throwing away reminders of what once was for a future of what could be.  What better way to dismiss the past than to trash it and move on?

Grandpa Marion moved-on quite easily becoming a local businessman and revered, upstanding member of the small community of Three Rivers, Michigan, back in the late '50's and early '60's.  He and Grandma purchased the existing American Laundry located on 4th Street across from Dock Foundry and they renamed it Three Rivers Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 

The laundry soon became a multi-generational establishment with my older brother, Ron, initially driving-up from Terre Haute, Indiana, where we lived at the time, to work at the laundry for Grandpa during the summer months.  I remember his second purchased 'set of wheels' was a monumental find when he answered a local ad for the sale of a green and white '57 Chevrolet with one owner and "Priced to sell....!"  Wow....what a classic car!  I often bet how he wishes he could have held onto that stunning vehicle, forever.....

Classic 1957 Chevy
With much debate (I am being very tactful here) and soul searching, my parents decided to follow Ron's lead and move one more time.  Yes, Jack and Olga soon became the 'new' Marion and Hester and proceeded to run the laundry side-by-side, through thick and thin, for many years to come! 

Rhinie Status
And, that's how I made it to Three Rivers and began my eighth grade year at Three Rivers High School with Rhinie status, "....babes slung into changing classes and memorizing locker combinations."  Big Brother, Ron, was making a mark for himself as a Junior.  We were both the 'new kids on the block' at a very vulnerable time in our young lives and we had so much to prove, especially to ourselves.  At least he could drive.  And, he owned a cool car, too!!!

Grandpa remained the patriarch of our clan and to this day I can still visualize him walking into the laundry's back room just to see how things were progressing.  Of course, we always knew of his presence before actually seeing him due to the ever present lit cigarillo cigar, Tiparillo, complete with white, plastic filter, he held snugly clamped between his teeth, lips and a smile.  Its sweet aroma preceded him.....always.  And, that was my memory of 'working' Grandpa.

Grandpa Marion at his home on 7th Street with its totally fenced-in, manicured green lawn, two-story, white clapboard house complete with glassed-in, three-seasonal front porch and two humongous cherry trees in the backyard, was pretty much the same as 'working' Grandpa to me.  He always dressed to impress even while doing yard work, carving the turkey at Thanksgiving or loading his small boat with gear for a fishing day-trip on one of the surrounding lakes.  Once a year, he would trade-in his magnificently groomed appearance for a padded, red velvet look, including snow-white hair and trimmings, and saunter onto the chilly front porch (the only room large enough for all of us to be together) and distribute wrapped presents he'd pull from the large black bag he had slung over his shoulder.  Everybody received a gift from Santa, including the adults, and we older grandchildren were not about to break the spell he had on us by "spilling the beans!"

Now, thinking about The Urban Dictionary's definition of Shanty Irish, the one thing in particular that stands out to me is the 'informal' times surrounding Grandpa's life.  For example, when he was playing 'horseshoes' with all of his brothers at a Family Reunion or backyard barbecue; League bowling nights and Mom and us kids would sit on tall stools, sipping a Coke, watching Dad and Grandpa bowl; A foursome sitting around the kitchen table playing game after game of euchre on a warm and sticky weekend night........  All of these occasions, memories, if you will, are intertwined with the sight of long-necked beer bottles (Drewrys and Stroh's) and clear, jelly-jar glasses filled with liquid gold poured over cubes of ice. 

I don't think Grandpa or Dad drank any more than anyone else did back then.  When your chin barely makes it over the kitchen counter top, you're at an age when everything is exaggerated and larger than life itself.  Drinking and smoking back in the 1950's was a huge part of the 'social norm' and both activities were actively encouraged as a form of stress relief and relaxation.  The well-stocked home bar and coffee table, replete with a 'candy jar' like receptacle filled with fresh smokes for guests, exemplified the social climber or 'host with the most' who cared about the people who visited their home. 

The article in The Irish Central.Newsletter entitled The Worst Irish Insults and Racial Slurs somehow reignited a burning verbal onslaught that I loathed hearing as a child, especially when it came from my stylish Grandfather!!  He would inevitably employ the term "Pot-Licker" when making negative references to people, outside the company that surrounded him.  I was appalled by his unsavory attack which usually was repeated loudly and often, especially when more alcohol was consumed.  My mind conjured-up so many nasty impressions which included a chamber pot like the one kept under our beds when we spent the night at the old farmstead in South Bend, Indiana, before the indoor bathroom was installed.  Maybe he was in reference to another pot, the toilet, and that conjured images of unmentionable germs and impossible scenarios.  What was a young girl to think?

Drewry/ Muessel Brewing Company Located In South Bend, Indiana  (Between 1936-1947)

Instead of asking my poor Mother for an explanation, I preferred to allow my fertile imagination to run rampant and never, not once, did I exchange my misguided thoughts for the truth.  I can see some of this happening now with my own six-year-old granddaughters......I smile.  Will they enjoy placing their own thoughts down on paper one day for the world to read?  Who am I kidding?  They've already begun.

Pot-Licker: During the potato famine, the Irish people would lick their cooking pots clean to get every last morsel of food.

Gratefully, my Grandfather has been vindicated of a portion of my haunted childhood beliefs.  However, his racial slur still leaves me a bit angry and confused considering his own Irish heritage coupled with my love and understanding of the Irish people today.   In retrospect, I am certain that Grandpa believed there was 'no harm-no foul' if insulting his own people at a time of their most dire despair.  I must be satisfied with this explanation considering how much worse it could have been....especially on young, tender ears such as my own. 

Do you hold onto any distant childhood memories that still haunt you today?

My Childhood Memories.....Open To Interpretation



Thursday, April 17, 2014


A series of short essays.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes



Look at any face and you will see an incredible story behind it.  Peer deeply into their eyes.  Check-out each and every wrinkle.  Explore the silver strands that adorn their heads and realize how time, coupled with a variety of circumstances, contributed to every character mark exhibited on and around that beautiful face......

Perhaps, then, you will be able to see everyone in a slightly different light.  The story doesn't always have to be about you!  The 'Unleashed Dragon,' or Ego (in this instance) can be tucked safely back into the recesses of your mind, for the time being, while the essence of pure gratitude begins to develop and surround you with its sense of peace, beauty and love.  Such Joy!!!

Gratitude is a most interesting word; the quality of being thankful and able to return the kindness shown us by others. I use the word 'quality' here because it signifies the degree of excellence by which we show our gratitude to others.

"Thanks for the piece of gum." 
"I really appreciated you being there for me when I needed you most."  
"You didn't have to go out of your way to pick me up but, I'm sure glad you did!"


Let me start at the beginning of our trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan, to visit with our children.....

 This trip was all about Family, Friendship, Homecoming and, I was fortunate enough to be able to extend my visit to ten days when my husband, Dan, could only claim a long weekend due to his work back in Orlando.  Our daughters planned a party on Saturday, hosted by Ali, our oldest, so that we could get together with family and friends not seen for awhile.  It was very thoughtful of them and so much fun!  Papa (Dan) was actually able to complete the Victorian dollhouse he began with our granddaughter several years before.  Logistics was not their friend.  By Sunday we were already taking Dan to the Grand Rapids airport for his early afternoon flight out but, not before all of us enjoyed sunshine and colorful butterflies at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park.  If you've never been there's a must see.  Do not forget your camera.


I had rented a car in Kalamazoo for the week in order to maintain my personal mobility without being a burden on the kids.  Monday and Tuesday were all about my five precious grandchildren with visits to Corinne's house (our youngest daughter) to be with her, Lydia and the twins, Brendan and Kerrington, while having the pleasure and company of Brenna and Gavin, Ali's two cuties, as well!  Talk about feeling blessed.....

Also, I anticipated my planned Wednesday luncheon with the three beautiful ladies with whom I shared memories and stories with as our paths crossed many, many years before. This is where my fear and trepidation began to rear it's ugly head and the dragon (ego) was properly unleashed within me.  This is when the pettiness of 'unimportance' and thoughts of pride formed a sinful attraction to me and my stomach churned with fear and self-loathing as I worried more about the superficial self rather than the depths of character that served to layer my wonderful, fulfilled life throughout the years. Would they be able to see my joy or would they concentrate on thinning hair, excess pounds and life-approved wrinkles?

The amazing part was that I failed to imagine, with that scaly dragon breathing down my neck, what thoughts my friends might be having themselves.  Does time and age matter to them?  The ego is a terrible foe.

As eleven o'clock Wednesday morning rolled around and I stood beside my rental car waiting for unfamiliar vehicles to swing into the Food Dance parking lot pulling my past into the present.......I suddenly saw hands waving and huge smiles flashing from behind the windshield of an SUV pulling into the lot.  Janis and Rosie recognized me immediately!  Shortly afterwards, Karen's car joined the lineup with her additional waves and warm smiles radiating from the driver's seat.  The tummy lurching and self-doubt instantly vanished, seriously, right on cue.  I will never be able to resist pure happiness exhibited by warm hugs and bright smiles!  And, there were lots and lots of each as we stood absorbing the good will of friendships reunited, as well as the April sunshine so desired and deserved by everyone who endured one of the most lengthy and frigid winters Michigan has ever served-up.

"Let's go inside!" we proclaimed in unison. 

The indescribable delight the four of us experienced that day can only be appropriately described by the response of truly being grateful....for so many things.  We were enjoying life, our health (painful joints not really an issue), our families, stories (time in space sometimes misplaced but, never forgotten), and we were filled with such life and animation as we rediscovered the 'young woman' within us once again.  We laughed (sometimes giggled) while recounting escapades of daring and adventure which may or may not include old boyfriends, toilet paper, chalk and fresh eggs....not necessarily in that order.  We exchanged where life had taken us right up to that day with stats on children, grandchildren, trips we'd taken, places where we'd lived to our present residences, and the jobs we currently enjoyed or gladly retired from thus opening up new paths and prospects to explore.  Curiously, we all seemed to be happy and at peace, refusing to intricately explore too far beyond the present.


We all looked....well, beautiful!!  We were bright-eyed, fun and carried on non-stop conversations. Joy and Gratefulness will do that for you, I suppose.  

A wise man once said, "It's only when we conquer our fears do we truly begin to live."  That man is Louie Schwartzberg.  His words serve to remind me what little time we have here on this amazing planet and how we should make the best of it.  Only by taking control of my ego and fear did I truly get to experience the delight and treasure of old friendships, along with the pleasure of living life to its fullest. I realized that age and knowledge do not always create the wisdom we seek to guide us through everyday experiences. Sometimes we just need to step back, take deep breaths and decide how badly we want to begin to live.

Gratitude is the title of one of many short films created by Mr. Schwartzberg, a master of time-lapse photography.  He is an award winning film maker who specializes in the painstaking and time consuming capturing of nature at its finest and describes nature as, "The soul of the world around us."  He has brilliantly devoted the last thirty-five years of his life making vibrantly colored flowers seemingly dance and lush, green vines cling and climb up trees and swing from branch to branch vividly expressing the living truth of their presence here on earth.  And, all of this was accomplished through his time-lapse photography and tons of patience.


The film, Gratitude, was conceived and narrated by Brother David Steindl-Rast who, in his infinite wisdom, teaches us that to be able to wake-up and experience yet another day in our lives can only be described as, ".....a personal gift to ourselves."  Also, "Life is based upon three basic ideas which are Nature, Beauty and Gratitude."  He explains how we must develop gratitude for all of the little things in life.  Only then will we fully appreciate how our lives exist in harmony with each other and how we must always nurture that harmony and respect nature for its essential and life giving properties.  We must respect our Earth before it is too late to save it.

What legacies will we extend to our children and their children if we fail to protect nature and the environment?  I shudder to think about their future if we continue to fail Mother Nature today.

Mr. Schwartzberg's next project is all about bees, plants and the pollination world that is the living basis of our food chain.  He equates this film to being a love story that feeds the earth and relates the current loss of our bee population to, "....losing friends and a life form."   I've often said that photographers have a different way of seeing the world, either through a long lens or their souls.  As artists, their goal is to help people see things that, perhaps, they don't normally see on the surface.  And, quite brilliantly, through Mr. Schwartzberg's lens and soul, the sheer beauty of nature helps bring all of us back home.

By Thursday, the seventh day of my visit, my daughters and I planned a 'girl's night out' and drove to Battle Creek to participate in Wine and Canvas......a popular business that combines learning how to paint a pre-chosen picture using acrylic paints while consuming the alcoholic beverage of your choice.  Since Ali was the Designated Driver, Corinne and I imbibed in one glass of red for me and a Long Island Iced Tea for her to boost our spirits and morale, of course.  Due to very close quarters, I proceeded to drip blue paint into my 'red' while recalling the paint's natural and non-toxic nature and my sub-conscience decision to drink on!! We had such a good time and so happy to be sharing time together....something that doesn't happen all that often these days.  This was, indeed, a personal gift to ourselves.

Friday was another 'early rise and let's get on the road' kind of day as all of us....with the exception of Corinne's husband, Matt, followed one another to Frankenmuth, Michigan.  Bronner's Christmas Wonderland, here we come!!  The five kids were phenomenally wonderful and close to two hours later we all emerged in one piece with tired feet carrying our bags of Holiday Ornaments and other goodies.  Following a quick bite of lunch downtown (no famous chicken meal for us that day), we toured one of the town's original breweries and beer museums located along the Cass River and proceeded to treat ourselves to ice cream downtown before heading back home.  This German influenced, beer loving little town is also a 'must see' stop on any trip to Michigan.  And, I suggest you do take the time to enjoy their famous family-style chicken dinner offerings while you're there.  It's always finger-licking delicious.


By Saturday evening, Ali, Corinne and I hit the Crossroads Mall running....  Literally, running because we'd gotten off to a late start.  However, the ladies knew precisely what they were looking for and, several dresses, tops and sweaters later, we were cooling our tired heels at Panera Bread with mixed beverages and yummy scones on our menu.  How amazing it is to sit and converse with my grown daughters without thinking about how I used to tie their shoes or cut-up their food for them. This evening I savored every breathing moment; I never really know when history will repeat itself giving me precious time alone with these two women I love and respect so much.  I hope it will be soon....

All of a sudden, it was Sunday and my turn to return home to Orlando.  Bittersweet, certainly.  Just as I had so easily stared into the experienced and lovely faces of my high school friends on Wednesday at lunch in order to extract their incredible stories, I now gazed lovingly into the faces of those I hold most dear to my heart.  Was it a story I wanted this time or, was I hoping to inhale the very essence of, the intrinsic nature and indispensable quality of, each one of these beloved and exotic creatures that hold such a special place in my heart? 


And, that's okay!  I will cherish their essence every day I am home.  I will work hard and write each and every day and, given time, it always takes time, we will all be together again. all about those things you attempt to neatly fit into a small window of precious, fleeting time.

I have conquered my fears this time around and because of this.....I will truly begin to live!


Thursday, April 10, 2014


Blog: Life.....


.....seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Is it the excitement or, is my tummy feeling a bit queasy due to the nerves and restlessness I'm experiencing?  I really don't know.....!

I do know that the older you become, time has had the opportunity to wrap its lacy, white fingers snugly around you like an old, comfortable  blanket.  You have either become satisfied and relaxed with this current 'relationship' or, mildly to severely dissatisfied with the physical being you've evolved into.  

Petty.....perhaps.  The word, typical, would fit more appropriately.  Yet we do it anyway,  ego driven creatures that we are!  

This leads me back to my fear and trepidation.....and, how I am meeting three ladies for lunch today.  Beautiful ladies with whom I share a piece of history.  Granted, our time together lies fairly deep in our past, around our high school and college days and just a bit beyond. Nevertheless, our paths have crossed, we share memories....stories together, time in space sometimes misplaced but, never forgotten.

Would this luncheon be taking place without our connection with social media?  There is a possibility that it would not.  Or, maybe, it was simply good timing....fate, if you will, that has brought us back together after all these years apart.  We sowed our wild oats.  We married.  We raised beautiful children who are now raising their own.  We traveled to exotic places and took field trips on the hard-seated school bus in order to be with our sons and daughters as they discovered the world.  We laughed and we cried on our terms and accepted or denied, at times, the paths that were taken and attempted to justify in our minds each choice we made.  

And, that's okay!  It just took time.  It always takes time.  Life.....all those things you attempt to fit into a window of precious, fleeting time.

Karl Jay Shapiro, an American poet, once wrote, "Upon his silver hairs, time, like a Panama hat, sits at a tilt and smiles...."  The passing of time has mocked me all these years and deceived me into believing that my 'laugh lines' are not wrinkles, the silver strands that crown my head can be camouflaged by various shades of manufactured color and sufficient doses of glucosamine supplements will make my joint pain a distant memory.  I know the truth when my reflection stares back at me in the mirror and that wide-brimmed hat sitting arrogantly upon my head shifts ever so slightly under the weight of its smile....

What will my long ago friends think of the mature woman I have become in their absence?  

So, my ego has awakened the sleeping dragon. 



Note: This week I am in Michigan with my Family enjoying being together and creating more fantastic memories!!  Tonight I am painting a picture with Ali and Corinne as we enjoy a glass of wine or two.  Should be an interesting evening....  Love to all!


Thursday, April 3, 2014


A series of short stories.....

My Favorite Garden Bench seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Natural beauty, man-made beauty or, a combination of the two......we welcome you into our hearts!!  And, let me say, we are more than ready to include Spring and all her glory right there at the top of the list of welcomed sights and sounds!

It's been exceedingly difficult for most of us to comprehend the longevity and severity of the Winter of 2013-14.  The toll that the consistent freezing temps and seemingly endless snowfall and accumulation thereof, calculated in terms of feet as opposed to inches, has made on the human psyche is  tremendous.  This leads many of us wondering about the future consequences of Global Warming and exactly what mankind should expect to face as we enter into the unique uncertainties that will definitely challenge us, as well as impede the prospects of a normal daily life as we have grown to expect it.

I happen to love this magnificent home we affectionately call Earth very much.  So much so that my days are generally spent thinking and writing about the many amazing places I have already travelled to coupled by the constant 'dream state' I float about in while planning my next adventure with passport, camera and keyboard in hand!  I do not take my responsibilities lightly.  As a parent and a grandparent, I'm fully aware of the fact that the subsequent generations we've created deserve every advantage of a healthy and prosperous future here on earth....

My mission this morning was to fill my world with innate happiness, pure bliss and La Joie de La Vie!!! 

Love Is In The Air

Okay, now that had me thinking about my beloved City of Lights (I think about Paris often throughout the day!) and the most iconic symbol recognized worldwide that represents it.  But, of course, La Tour Eiffel!!  And, it is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year as it truly does tower over one of the most spectacular cities of the modern age.  Okay, so, I may have a few Eiffel Towers decorating my humble abode....just saying.  And, the older grandchildren might even make a game out of finding and counting them!  However, when architecture and beauty mix to create a structure this unique and symbolic, mankind simply cannot deny its impact on the world.

Having climbed to the top tier of the Eiffel Tower for the first time during our visit in 1990, I vowed then that the next time I enjoy the panoramic view of Paris from this spot, it would be in the company of my grandchildren.  It amazes me how much 'joy' fills my world just thinking about this prospect!

Which city evokes the promise of Springtime, Love and Romantic adventure as symbolically as Paris?  As a child growing up in the '50's, my world was filled with the magical powers of black and white films that conjured up the possibilities of Asian detectives solving crimes (Charlie Chan series), invisible spirits controlling the living (Topper series), humans created from the imagination of a mad scientist and so much lightening (Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein), and a handsome older gentleman singing within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower (Maurice Chevalier).  And, I was hooked!  I have yet to visit Paris in the springtime but, I am a firm believer in making black and white dreams turn into sweeping Technicolor reality....  Just a matter of time.

Mr. Maurice Chevalier
Continuing on with my mission to find 'happiness' this morning, my adventure relocated me to the lanai where I was greeted warmly (pun intended) by the sun in all her glory.  Swapping my mug of coffee for my iPad, I began shooting the serenity of an unoccupied swimming pool, the splendor of an array of colorful plantings growing strong within sturdy ceramic pots and the tranquil elegance of my favorite garden bench, designated for the pure enjoyment of reading many good books, as it's solid form was drenched in a charming mixture of shadows and liquid sunlight. Happiness!! 

This tranquil feeling continued as I searched My Photo Stream for pictures I'd taken previously that had been reminders of Spring for me.  Not surprising at all....most of them were of soft, pastel tulips, roses rich in velvety warm colors and azaleas cloaked in striking robes of neon pink.

Conclusion: Imagining five sparkling little faces lighting up the world with their smiles; feeling the sun's warmth penetrating the icy gray walls of Winter's gloom; restoring our precious planet in shades of healthy renewal with Hope and Love for all generations; finding the beauty and romance of Paris in the springtime and, lastly, understanding the precious gift of life rejuvenating life each Spring as it snuggles a scented blanket of color around each and every one of us. 

It may have taken a bit longer this year to achieve but, Spring is in the last, and we're not going to let it slip by us again until we absolutely have to!!!

My wish for all of you today is that you enjoy the animated 'silence' and multitude of colors within nature.