Thursday, April 10, 2014


Blog: Life.....


.....seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Is it the excitement or, is my tummy feeling a bit queasy due to the nerves and restlessness I'm experiencing?  I really don't know.....!

I do know that the older you become, time has had the opportunity to wrap its lacy, white fingers snugly around you like an old, comfortable  blanket.  You have either become satisfied and relaxed with this current 'relationship' or, mildly to severely dissatisfied with the physical being you've evolved into.  

Petty.....perhaps.  The word, typical, would fit more appropriately.  Yet we do it anyway,  ego driven creatures that we are!  

This leads me back to my fear and trepidation.....and, how I am meeting three ladies for lunch today.  Beautiful ladies with whom I share a piece of history.  Granted, our time together lies fairly deep in our past, around our high school and college days and just a bit beyond. Nevertheless, our paths have crossed, we share memories....stories together, time in space sometimes misplaced but, never forgotten.

Would this luncheon be taking place without our connection with social media?  There is a possibility that it would not.  Or, maybe, it was simply good timing....fate, if you will, that has brought us back together after all these years apart.  We sowed our wild oats.  We married.  We raised beautiful children who are now raising their own.  We traveled to exotic places and took field trips on the hard-seated school bus in order to be with our sons and daughters as they discovered the world.  We laughed and we cried on our terms and accepted or denied, at times, the paths that were taken and attempted to justify in our minds each choice we made.  

And, that's okay!  It just took time.  It always takes time.  Life.....all those things you attempt to fit into a window of precious, fleeting time.

Karl Jay Shapiro, an American poet, once wrote, "Upon his silver hairs, time, like a Panama hat, sits at a tilt and smiles...."  The passing of time has mocked me all these years and deceived me into believing that my 'laugh lines' are not wrinkles, the silver strands that crown my head can be camouflaged by various shades of manufactured color and sufficient doses of glucosamine supplements will make my joint pain a distant memory.  I know the truth when my reflection stares back at me in the mirror and that wide-brimmed hat sitting arrogantly upon my head shifts ever so slightly under the weight of its smile....

What will my long ago friends think of the mature woman I have become in their absence?  

So, my ego has awakened the sleeping dragon. 



Note: This week I am in Michigan with my Family enjoying being together and creating more fantastic memories!!  Tonight I am painting a picture with Ali and Corinne as we enjoy a glass of wine or two.  Should be an interesting evening....  Love to all!


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