Thursday, April 3, 2014


A series of short stories.....

My Favorite Garden Bench seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Natural beauty, man-made beauty or, a combination of the two......we welcome you into our hearts!!  And, let me say, we are more than ready to include Spring and all her glory right there at the top of the list of welcomed sights and sounds!

It's been exceedingly difficult for most of us to comprehend the longevity and severity of the Winter of 2013-14.  The toll that the consistent freezing temps and seemingly endless snowfall and accumulation thereof, calculated in terms of feet as opposed to inches, has made on the human psyche is  tremendous.  This leads many of us wondering about the future consequences of Global Warming and exactly what mankind should expect to face as we enter into the unique uncertainties that will definitely challenge us, as well as impede the prospects of a normal daily life as we have grown to expect it.

I happen to love this magnificent home we affectionately call Earth very much.  So much so that my days are generally spent thinking and writing about the many amazing places I have already travelled to coupled by the constant 'dream state' I float about in while planning my next adventure with passport, camera and keyboard in hand!  I do not take my responsibilities lightly.  As a parent and a grandparent, I'm fully aware of the fact that the subsequent generations we've created deserve every advantage of a healthy and prosperous future here on earth....

My mission this morning was to fill my world with innate happiness, pure bliss and La Joie de La Vie!!! 

Love Is In The Air

Okay, now that had me thinking about my beloved City of Lights (I think about Paris often throughout the day!) and the most iconic symbol recognized worldwide that represents it.  But, of course, La Tour Eiffel!!  And, it is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year as it truly does tower over one of the most spectacular cities of the modern age.  Okay, so, I may have a few Eiffel Towers decorating my humble abode....just saying.  And, the older grandchildren might even make a game out of finding and counting them!  However, when architecture and beauty mix to create a structure this unique and symbolic, mankind simply cannot deny its impact on the world.

Having climbed to the top tier of the Eiffel Tower for the first time during our visit in 1990, I vowed then that the next time I enjoy the panoramic view of Paris from this spot, it would be in the company of my grandchildren.  It amazes me how much 'joy' fills my world just thinking about this prospect!

Which city evokes the promise of Springtime, Love and Romantic adventure as symbolically as Paris?  As a child growing up in the '50's, my world was filled with the magical powers of black and white films that conjured up the possibilities of Asian detectives solving crimes (Charlie Chan series), invisible spirits controlling the living (Topper series), humans created from the imagination of a mad scientist and so much lightening (Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein), and a handsome older gentleman singing within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower (Maurice Chevalier).  And, I was hooked!  I have yet to visit Paris in the springtime but, I am a firm believer in making black and white dreams turn into sweeping Technicolor reality....  Just a matter of time.

Mr. Maurice Chevalier
Continuing on with my mission to find 'happiness' this morning, my adventure relocated me to the lanai where I was greeted warmly (pun intended) by the sun in all her glory.  Swapping my mug of coffee for my iPad, I began shooting the serenity of an unoccupied swimming pool, the splendor of an array of colorful plantings growing strong within sturdy ceramic pots and the tranquil elegance of my favorite garden bench, designated for the pure enjoyment of reading many good books, as it's solid form was drenched in a charming mixture of shadows and liquid sunlight. Happiness!! 

This tranquil feeling continued as I searched My Photo Stream for pictures I'd taken previously that had been reminders of Spring for me.  Not surprising at all....most of them were of soft, pastel tulips, roses rich in velvety warm colors and azaleas cloaked in striking robes of neon pink.

Conclusion: Imagining five sparkling little faces lighting up the world with their smiles; feeling the sun's warmth penetrating the icy gray walls of Winter's gloom; restoring our precious planet in shades of healthy renewal with Hope and Love for all generations; finding the beauty and romance of Paris in the springtime and, lastly, understanding the precious gift of life rejuvenating life each Spring as it snuggles a scented blanket of color around each and every one of us. 

It may have taken a bit longer this year to achieve but, Spring is in the last, and we're not going to let it slip by us again until we absolutely have to!!!

My wish for all of you today is that you enjoy the animated 'silence' and multitude of colors within nature.

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