Thursday, February 18, 2016


 A series of essays..... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

From time to time, our neighborhood gals meet at the corner coffeehouse to relax, sip their favorite brew or concoction, and warm-up their hands and hearts...together!

Some might think of their meeting as a 'cleansing' or 'purification of the soul.' Even though they may share similar backgrounds and values, their ideas and opinions can be as diverse and variable as the weather outside of the little shop.

Let's grab a cup of our own, take a comfortable seat, sit back and listen to what today's chapter of 'Coffeehouse Chatter' has to offer....


Inside a neighborhood coffeehouse, three friends meet as often as possible and discuss life in all of its wonderful shapes, colors, and textures. 

Mandy: Ah! Will you just take a look at her boots! No woman that 'chunky' and over thirty should wear boots that tight or high up the leg. It reminds me of an erupting volcano I made for a science fair project long ago.

Leslie: Oh, stop that! Since when have you become the 'fashion police?'

Mandy: Since seeing that lady in those damn boots!!!

Leslie: Well, as usual, Joan is flying on her own time this morning. I hope she's okay. Walking the eight blocks here in this weather always worries me a bit.

Mandy: She's a big girl. Say, there she is now. (Waving) And look, sensible boots on her, too. Not like....

Leslie: Don't go there, girl.

(Several minutes later.....)

Joan: Good Morning, Ladies. Love our dear barista. He always knows what I want and practically has it ready for me when he sees me walk through the door.

Mandy: Doesn't hurt that he's cute, young and totally ripped, either!

J & L: Bonus! (In unison)

Leslie: Has anyone else felt a bit 'foggy' lately? You know, kind of 'out of it' and disillusioned a bit?

Mandy: Hell, yes! Can't stand living through any Presidential election.....especially this one. So much hatred, blatant lies, and character ripping. And then, there's the Republican side!!

Joan: You'd think we would have gotten used to all of this over the past years, wouldn't you? But, no.... Dragging others down as low as possible seems to be the norm.

Leslie: Exactly! It's never about what they can really do to help make lives more prosperous and stable. That's the 'funk' I've been in lately. It seems we're so inundated by hatred through television and social media that I just want to crawl into the fetal position and sleep until mid-November!

Joan: Sometimes I feel that discombobulated and strange, too. Like when I try to button a blouse after wearing Fred's large, comfy shirts all week long. Could never understand why the buttons and buttonholes are switched for men and women.

Mandy: Because, even though we don't like to admit it, men and women differ on so many counts. We're all human....yet, his buttons are on the right and ours are on the left. Hey, no political inflection there at all!!

Leslie:  In the name of principles, Mandy, and contrary to your belief, there are many women who favor the conservative right and cherish the Christian attitudes it tends to embrace and....

Mandy: ....unabashedly inflict these ideas upon everyone else! Say, what ever happened to the 'Separation of Church and State,' anyway? (Staring intently at Joan) You have a little bit of froth attached to the left side of your mouth, Love.

Joan: Thanks.... Thomas Jefferson declared that the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. However, the Supreme Court hasn't always interpreted the constitutional principle as absolute. It remains an ongoing subject of impassioned debate, I'm afraid.

Leslie: I see why your students are so fortunate to have you as their teacher, Joan. But, doesn't it always seem that our Constitution is based upon such generous interpretation? Founded on ideals that can swing one way or the other?

Mandy: Oh, and they do these days! Well, I mean this in a good, healthy sense, of course. Don't look at me like that, ladies. And when you say 'erect a wall,' doesn't that play right into crazy Donald Trump territory?

Joan: All points taken, Mandy.

Mandy: Indeed. Anyone for a warm, flaky croissant with our coffee? I'm buying. Good. I'll be back in a wink.

Leslie: Got to love that woman! She has a knack for saying things most of us only think about.

Joan: It would be refreshing to always be so open and honest. Wish I could be more like that, truth be told.

Leslie: I don't think the three of us hold too much back from one another. At least, not here, anyway. Besides, just being able to talk about all of this has helped me, considerably. Typing to the 'world' on Facebook isn't quite the same as close, personal contact. Especially when laced with affection and the acute necessity for coffee!!

Joan: I understand completely, Leslie. Maybe caffeine is a truth serum and these small, coffee retreats were established to bring out the secrets we all hold inside and they are backed by the government with the information compiled and stored for future reference?!?

Leslie: Um, that would be a 'Mandyism.' You clearly seem to be breaking out of your funk. Now all we have to do is look for the hidden camera and microphone. Paranoia has reared its ugly head.

Joan: After 2008....paranoia, defeatism, disillusionment, label that time period what you will, has become the norm rather than the exception among the so-called Middle and Lower classes. Sad, but true. The ramifications of a depression of any magnitude will assist in creating waves of disappointment for many years afterwards forming an unstable and negative environment.

Leslie: Wow! You have officially lost your 'Upper' status for me this morning, Lady! But, I know what you're saying.....and, fact is fact. We'd all like to revert to the days of hopscotch and playing jacks on the sidewalk with our friends. But, I'd like to think that we could retain that feeling for our children and grandchildren for as long as possible.

Joan: Speaking of children..... Ah! Let me help you with that, Mandy.

Mandy: Girls!! Sorry it took so long. But, you remember our little discussion about 'ribbed abs' and so forth? Well, I've just discovered 'buff pecs' and 'tight buns,' as well! And, his name is Collin. He just began working here yesterday. Something nice to look forward to. Am I right?

Leslie: Absolutely! (Wink) Please don't touch the croissants for a second. I must take a picture for my Foodie Blog Post. (Click) Thank you. These look incredibly delicious.

Joan: Unfortunately, now our coffees are running low. I. Need. More. Coffee! (Standing up) The same all around I believe.....

Mandy: .....I'll go! Just sit tight, Joan. I'm sure Collin and I can handle this together! (Smiling all the way to the counter.)

Until next time.....with more, Coffeehouse Chatter.

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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