Thursday, February 11, 2016


A series of essays.....

~~~~HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO HUMANKIND~~~~ seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Should Love have to be explained?

Is it possible to treat Love as a color? Create its texture, temperature, and appeal to share with someone who may not be able to see the color for themselves yet desires knowing what it might look like if they could? To descriptively open up our souls to the suggestion of shimmering silvers, wet and sharp as lake water beginning to freeze over, or the chill of a 'Winter Blue' kind of day, or the softness of pale yellow as it wraps us in its warmth during a sun-filled, afternoon walk.

If Love were a color....what would it be? Red, blue, yellow, blushing pink, or as white as freshly fallen snow?

Love might be the fluid crimson of a perfect rose, generously given and delightfully received throughout the ages as a symbol of affection and beauty. Gifts between lovers in celebration of their commitment to and desire for one another. With compassion and Love we mark a wedding anniversary, filial affection displayed as gratitude for a Mother's Love, and the generous offering of a spray of roses at the passing of a Loved one that symbolizes the honor and reverence we hold in our hearts for their time shared with us here on earth.

Love is a feeling deep inside each of us. It is up to us to tap into its source and allow it to flow freely.

Love can be as strong as the wind, rushing out in palpable waves that surround its recipient in hot, white sheets of passion. It can be as light as the breeze of a summer's evening sending silent chills throughout our being; shivers of delight and promise. Love is the excitement of finally traveling to see a foreign landscape. No longer a perceptible thought or desire, but a living, breathing, observable expanse of scenery waiting to be explored and better understood. Love is inhaling the scent of a new puppy or kitten. Love is the unadulterated joy felt when holding your grandchild in your arms for the first time. It is the recognition of our own existence passed forward into this small, precious gift of life!

Tapping into the well of Love allows us to see the world within a broad spectrum of capabilities and raw emotions.

Shall we soar high above the earth like a great bird held aloft by the rising currents of warm air, floating along to our heart's content? Looking down below us, we take immense pleasure in the natural beauty our world offers....God's eye candy for the soul! Sadly, this vantage point would also reveal the travesty of humankind witnessed by our innate capacity to destroy, hate, and kill! From a child's cry of hunger and pain, to bombs bursting in air....what will it take to shift our priorities and allow each one of us to live in peace on this amazing planet? The answer would be, Love.

Love is strong. Love is powerful. Love is soft and kind. Love is the medium by which we cultivate, sow and harvest the joy within us and spread its essence around for others to administer as a tonic to heal humankind.

I am convinced that one day Love will succeed. It will turn haters and doubters into believers. When that blissful day arrives, we will no longer have the need to ask for a definition of, or an explanation for Love. It will become the 'natural' every day experience that directs us in complete harmony and peace. It will become the standard of behavior that is required, desired, and designated as normal.

"What is Love?" you query. "Love is just Love, it can never be explained........because it doesn't have to be. It is as natural as life itself."    

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

With Love in your heart, spend Valentine's Day with those you hold near and dear.

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