A series of essays....
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Courtesy of Cookie’s Crumbles
....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
The stark reality is that when we wake-up one morning, in the not too distant future, there will be all sorts of familiar surfaces glistening with a generous coating of frost. The chill in the air will assault the nostrils; its rawness biting at and stinging the flesh as it attacks our fortitude to the very core of our being and we are sent running to the front closet for layers of warmth in various forms of protectiveness before crunching our way to our immediate destination.
Returning to Michigan after all of this time, I am recalling the patterns of life here that were once second nature to me having spent most of my formative years growing-up in a small town not far away. Even a grand length of time spent in a warm climate cannot erase the habitual inner awareness of the ‘seasonal change’ clock that has guided my life for years.
Even though the temps continue to sizzle outside with today’s high around ninety degrees, the mind is secretly preparing for what is to come just around the corner. Am I ready for it? Do I have a choice in the matter...? Not really!
Being pragmatic, we concentrate on what we believe can be reasonably controlled in our lives. But, we’re learning the hard way that even these things are being curtailed as time goes by. Trust me, the weather is not one of them. It will come roaring in one way or another bringing with it a frosty coat of early winter chill, hot seasonal temps that challenge each breath we take, and a Gulf of Mexico hurricane named Laura that threatens the lives of millions of people who are already dealing with a global pandemic.
So, sitting here on our deck that overlooks the backyard with its stone-outlined flowerbeds, otherwise known as ‘salad bars’ for the deer, and mature trees, a crumpled green leaf, browning at the edges, falls onto my lap. If it’s ‘two-point’ projection was zeroing in on my oversized mug of jasmine tea, it only missed its mark by several inches. The seasons are doing their familiar dance even as the tea cools in my hands.
As the daylight grows shorter and the bursts of brilliant pinks, orange, and muted purples set lower in the evening sky, we become acutely aware of our surroundings, consciously observing and listening to all of the subtle activity happening around us. They appear as plump, feasting squirrels who drop clusters of leaves and nuts from high up in the mature trees in preparation of their winter nests. We duck like frightened children as the abundant green acorns become natural projectiles when they fall from the mighty oaks and loudly ‘thunk’ upon metal sheds, garage roofs, and wooden decks. And, the late blooming plants are decked out in their finest floral coats of soft colors and intricate textures while continuing to draw their buzzing friends close around them.
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Dan and I love the warm days and cool evenings that September brings and have done most of our major traveling during this charming month. This year will mark our 47th year of saying “I do” as we celebrate our anniversary during the middle of September and are joyfully reminded of having been encircled by loving family and friends within a great limestone church located in that same little town not far away from us.
Is it true that we tend to migrate back to the places where we experienced so many ‘firsts?’: first bonafide, one on one, date; first genuine kiss; first airplane trip; first solo drive in your very own banger (that was, actually, in pretty good condition); first time you thought you might be in love; first downhill skiing run; the second time you experienced the needless death of friends (first time happened when a classmate in elementary school succumbed after her hard fought battle with leukemia), and the first time you knew that there was a huge, wonderful, exciting world out there that you had to experience and enjoy...sooner rather than later.
Even as we wait for the coronavirus to subside (or, maybe because we have to), we have become more aware of the world around us, concentrated as we are in select places. At least, that’s as it should be. My jasmine laced breaks in the afternoon remind me of how delightful life can be. If I must go out into the Covid infused world, my first instinct is to secure my face mask from the knob it dangles from near the front door; always at the ready and convenient for whatever happens that pulls me outside.
Our lives are different these days. We have many new things to think about and absorb as we head back into the crisp days of fall with our children going back to school, virtually or in person, and Zoom sessions becoming the norm for many of us who must stay connected with the outside world. So, by the time the day comes when my toes are reluctantly imprisoned in socks and closed shoes and I await the comfort of my Floridian flip flops (affectionately known as ‘slippers’) while walking around indoors, I hope we’re all prepared for the changes the weather, life, and 2020 will continue to bring into our lives.
While stashing the gardening tools away for another season, let’s do each other the kind favor of watching out for one another’s best interests by wearing our masks in public, being polite and kind at all times, and respecting the well-being and productivity of each and every one of us including all that we bring to this magnificent table called life.
Enjoy the rest of your summer with family and friends and make room in your heart for the frosty realities brought to us by fall and winter. I’m not quite there yet....but, I’m faithfully working on it!

Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved