A series of essays....
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.....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E. Hughes
I like the cosiness of an international flight. Maybe it's just the fact that a large group of strangers are able to sleep all willy-nilly among one another and within the close, shadowy confines of an otherwise long, narrow tube for an extended period of time.
Walking the long, narrow path to the toilet at the back of the craft when Mother Nature calls is a bit surreal and can be likened to representing the only surviving mortal drifting among a group of zombies within a Michael Jackson video. I know....that dates me. But, the darkness supplies listless arms, hands, legs, and even, heads protruding from the shadowed seats, their backs tall and uniformed like memorial stones aligned in perfect formation.
Navigating the narrow pathway of forced slumber is a prescreening of an Apocalyptic nightmare; faces frozen in unlikely poses, previously witnessed by nocturnal acquaintances alone, display drooling, stroke-like expressions. Uncontrolled appendages vie for the best 'incredible position' category as they unconsciously slither down sandpaper-like seat cushions and inflexible metal armrests.
Technically, we are being maneuvered into believing that time has no immanent regularity whatsoever even as it permanently pervades and sustains this amazing universe! For the duration of the six, seven, eight hour flight, we, as thinking and logical human beings, are cast into the role of 'needing to nap' infants who, a mere three or four hours earlier, awoke to normal morning rituals such as begging for our breakfast and experiencing the desperate need to empty our bladders.
Humans, for the most part, are easily manipulated....
We are fooled into believing one thing or another merely because we want to believe in something so badly, we 'll do or say anything to achieve the results we desire.

We are served dinner while it is only lunchtime in our real world. Then we're told that if we cooperate and sleep well, we will be served breakfast in the "morning" when, normally, for most of us, dinner would be our main objective. To interrupt the natural timing within us is a strange yet interesting process and leads to jet lag or, the general feeling of fatigue and disorientation we experience after a long flight through several time zones.
Now....to add to this cluster bomb of mind bending unreality, did you know that we could be flying in a windowless airplane within the next decade?
Several European companies are working on a windowless fuselage and seat backs to be lined with smart display screens "that would tantalize your visual senses with panoramic views of the outside that come from a set of cameras mounted to the plane's exterior," says iflscience.com. For the claustrophobics out there.....I wish you luck! I don't care how many cute pictures are displayed around me, a plane without windows sounds like a total nightmare!
Let's not forget our ultimate goal: Traveling from A to B to C or D, depending upon how many stops or layovers you have between A and your final destination.
But, certainly, it's all about that final destination! It's the excitement of ultimately reaching that predetermined beginning of your journey where pleasant memories will soon be recorded and digital cameras will prove their worthiness. And, social media will soon be inundated by every move, place, and meal you decide to make, be at, and eat throughout this trip.
Having strangers purring in their sleep next to you and having time twisted and turned in order to reformulate your physical and mental presence are minor distractions in the long run. When you do grasp the small tab and slide open the mini-shade covering your view of the world from thousands of feet above the earth, you hope you will be ready.
Each time we fly into the Nice Côte d'Azur Airport, I believe I am ready for the beauty that's there to greet me. I never really am. The Côte d'Azur blows me away every single time!
This coastal area of southeastern France, along the Mediterranean Sea, is roughly coterminous with the French Riviera. It includes the towns of Cannes, Saint Tropez, Juan-les-Pins, and Antibes, as well as the city of Nice and the principality of Monaco.

Numerous white vessels of various makes, sizes, and monetary values, cut through and dot the azure blue sea leaving long trails of white bubbles and saline froth behind them. The shoreline is defined by the lofty waves breaking onto the pebbled coast framing the distinguishable clusters of buildings along the Promenade des Anglais which stretches for miles and miles.
Small hilltop towns sporting ochre/gray coats of clay and stone sit like robust sentinels protecting the populous from seafaring invaders while serpentine mountains offer a sturdy backdrop to the powerful, natural beauty that washes down towards the sea.

Flying into France at this location always takes my breath away! And, so....this is where our journey truly begins. Bonjour Côte d'Azur! I am ready to hear the lilting French dialogue that will swaddle and intrigue me for the next ten days.
Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved