A series of essays….
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….as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
Healthy challenges can inspire us to grow.
I like this sentence. I find it appealing because it takes me in so many exciting directions: past, present, and future.
First of all, I believe we never stop growing in one way or another each day of our lives, no matter our age.
Before I go any further, I would just like to mention why I believe the eclipse this week was deemed extra exciting by so many of us. I mean, besides the fact that a solar eclipse is scientifically pretty phenomenal all on its own! We all required something this exciting to focus on, take our thoughts away from the Big Lies and, ultimately, how much time drumpf must spend behind bars to compensate for them…
Here’s where I give some examples of healthy challenges. Being physically challenged reaps its own benefits and rewards. Keeping the body in motion, we all know, contributes towards proper weight balance, muscle strength, circulation, and so much more.
Let’s say that this physical challenge is combined with others as in a team sport which may couple physical dexterity with the sharp mental awareness needed to make quick decisions (individually) and blend these decisions with everyone else in the group. The objective is not necessarily to win, but rather to work well within a group of others whether it be sports related, office or work relationships, or being human and relating to the rest of our fellow human beings on a daily basis.
This latter example, comprised of love, kindness, and understanding, can be linked to our own spirituality. How do we perceive the world to function after incorporating these specific acts into our daily routines? Will we become better people because we have? Yes, of course, we would no longer place ourselves first, rather our goal, if we choose to accept this spiritual lifestyle, is to accept everyone as equals, allowing us to grow exponentially (utilizing our untapped potential) by helping to make the world a better, happier place to live.
Doing something nice for someone doesn't require spending money on them. You can cook someone a meal, let them borrow a favorite book, help them out with something, or do anything else that makes them feel good!
Food. Our eating habits. Forfeiting an unhealthy diet for one that, potentially, makes you grow stronger by providing the body with what it needs rather than pacifying the mind with what society has taught us to crave as addicts of sugar, salt, and white flour.
Trust me, I have challenged myself for a lifetime to disengage from bad eating habits by incorporating healthy foods into my diet. I blamed the first third of my poor eating lifestyle and habits on my parents. The second third of my life was all on me. Now that I’m in the final third — my aim is to stretch this life out as healthy and meaningfully as possible.
I have always been a yo-yo dieter as I’d work hard to drop the weight, succeed to a certain degree, only to have something, major or minor, trigger the inevitable lapse in mental stamina that was guaranteed to follow.
Now that I am older and getting the hang of minimizing my intake of cane sugar, salt (never truly liked too much salt in the first place), and craving a slice or two of crusty artisan bread slathered in good butter, I feel I can control my weight and combine a better diet plan with more movement and approve of the results.
Inspiration comes in many different forms. Even Monday’s eclipse had a pronounced lesson for us in that there will always be something much larger than ourselves and our solar system certainly proved its point this week! Something small can appear big enough to block something larger. There is power in distance and perspective. Things—just like experiences—are not always as big as they seem. We must give ourselves time. Take a step back. Look not at the shadow, but at the light.
Routines. Enjoying a daily routine can ground us in a way that nothing else can. It keeps us on a personal track that contributes to stability and staying focussed; living each day to the fullest. Each day brings an opportunity for us to experience amazing things, even challenge those things that might trouble and overwhelm us on a day-to-day basis.
Practice mindfulness when doing daily tasks and embrace being in the present moment. Practice gratitude and remind yourself of the amazing things you have to be thankful for. Take time to disconnect from social media and intentionally connect with yourself, friends, family, or your community. Make small steps or a plan to reach a goal — whether it's to cook at home more, journal each day, or publish that novel you’ve been working on for years.
Healthy challenges can inspire us to grow as individuals whether we achieve results on our own or become a part of a larger group.
Happiness, personal joy and growth, respect for others, can be found in so many areas — from exploring our immediate priorities to helping others. May your own healthy challenges inspire you to grow each and every day.
Copyright © 2024 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved