MOVING ON.....2024

A Note From The Author: Jacqueline E. Hughes

I am so happy to welcome in the new year, 2024!!! My Blog is changing-up a bit....mainly because I am evolving. Travel will always take precedence in my life and, my journeys will be shared with you. This 2024 version will offer a variety of new stories and personal ideas, as well. This is all about having fun and enjoying this Beautiful Journey called......Life!!!

Friday, January 29, 2021



A series of essays....

UNDER A CRESCENT MOON. seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

The story takes me back to a wind blown store front somewhere along Frederick Street, New Town, Edinburgh, Scotland. The time was shortly after midnight. Even though it appeared that a slight drizzle might threaten us, a sliver of moon was visible between wispy clouds as several vehicles, their lights strobed across the store fronts, pulled up in front of the hotel. I remember as if it were just last week; the four of us huddled together on the front steps of the Eteaket Tea Room located across the street from our home for two nights, the Frederick House Hotel. 

We kept blinking in order to keep our eyes open and be able to take everything in. Wrapping our jackets tighter around our pajama-clad bodies, we speculated as to which area of the hotel might be burning. We hadn’t smelled any smoke on our recent journey down the open stairwell. Stretching our necks up towards the front windows of the top floor, we located our rooms still glowing from the lights, hastily turned on, and shining like two beacons over the Edinburgh nightscape .

“Man, I’d finally fallen asleep when the alarm started blaring.” Caught between jet lag and an adrenaline rush, Dan’s face said it all. Actually, all of our faces did. 

“Maybe we’re still dreaming,” Marsha contributed. “I would never wear this outfit out on a cold, late September night at home!” she grinned while looking around at our faces and flimsy clothing being continuously splashed blue in the bright wash of lights from the Scottish Fire And Rescue Service vehicles lined up across the street.

The large group of young, French students sharing the hotel with us massed together along the sidewalk in a football huddle formation attempting to keep warm. Other guests chose to stand curbside and take quick snaps of the procedures taken to secure the building and right what was wrong. And, finally, after nearly thirty, teeth-chattering minutes, our hotel manager stood before us with the news that all was clear. “This has happened before when a basement switch malfunctions and sends notice to emergency services of a potential problem. We apologize profusely and want you to know that you will be able to sleep comfortably and safely now. We are very, very sorry for this inconvenience.” Did an apology sound better in a Scottish accent?

As all of the weary guests, most of us clutching purses or satchels containing our passports and cash, made their way back across the street, the boys of the Scottish Fire And Rescue Service were wrapping things up and exchanging some final words with our hotel manager. 

We climbed the stairs with the hope that slinking back under the warm covers would make everything better.

Reflecting back on the arduous day we had just had beginning with the long, night flight out of Detroit and landing at Edinburgh Airport, mid-morning UK time, jet lag seemed to be our greatest concern. The bus driver taking us into the city passed a block away from our hotel but held on to his original destination along North Bridge Street and nearly three quarters of a mile from Frederick House Hotel. At least we got the ‘lay of the land’ perched above the crowd as we were. So, backtracking and pulling our numerous pieces of luggage along behind us, we rolled along Princess Street in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle and along the edge of Princess Street Gardens until we found Frederick Street, once again. 

Our pre-arranged accommodations were clean and cozy and the soft, comfortable bed with its crisp, white linen enticed our weary minds and bodies. Being up on the top floor of our hotel gave us the advantage of a glorious view of the city all the way across the bay to the north and out to the North Sea. Bonus!

Realizing that attending to our need for nourishment rose even higher in importance than our need for sleep, Michael, having gone back down to speak with the concierge, was told about the best place to look for a satisfying, local meal within walking distance. “She said to backtrack towards Princess Street and when we come to Rose Street, take either a right or left. There are plenty of shops and restaurants either way,” Michael explained.

We hung a right on Rose Street which turned out to be a quaint, pedestrian alley lined with small shops and enticing restaurants. With amazing aromas wafting all around, we decided to step inside a restaurant/pub filled with an abundance of laughter and bright, rosy faces. The establishment looked like a nice mix of tourists along with locals out for a pint and a bite before heading home. Some were already lifting cream-topped pints of Guinness while others waited for theirs to ‘settle’ nicely while resting on the two-tiered drain near the taps along the top of the bar. 

“I don’t know about everyone else, but I would like, no—I need a Guinness and an order of fish-n-chips!” I cheerfully exclaimed, after the bartender seated us in a cozy booth adjacent to the bar with the promise to return, shortly. Our first meal in Edinburgh was not disappointing and set the stage for many delightful meals to come during our week long exploration of Scotland. (I still dream about the risotto I thoroughly enjoyed in a small restaurant outside of Stirling Castle.)

Walking back up Rose Street and getting closer to our ill-fated destiny and midnight rendezvous on the front stoop of a tea room, shivering and wondering where the hotel fire might be, we decided to forgo further exploration and get the much needed sleep we required. “Good night, good night, good night, John Boy,” we recited from our respective doorways. “See you downstairs for breakfast around eight?” we inquired. With that, a good night’s sleep was all we asked for. After all, climbing up to Edinburgh Castle and trekking along High Street and the Royal Mile the next day would take stamina and clear minds.

It was a good plan until the fire alarm interrupted the entire building with its shrill, staccato screams meant to awaken every soul in the building. Success!

Now that the dust had settled from our bone chilling experience outside, we realized that we’d be talking about this unsettling ordeal for years to come; hopefully, in a much more jovial and lighthearted way. Finally, we snuggled back into bed to sleep the remainder of the night away; visions of sugar plums and old castles drifting in and out of our dreams.

In a more perfect world, this would be the case. However, our introduction to Edinburgh, Scotland had a completely different plan in mind for four weary travelers from Michigan, USA! As if still in the fog-like snare of loud alarms and multitudes of feet tramping down open stairwells, it was difficult to shake dream state from reality when sirens assaulted us for the second time!! Checking the time, just after three o’clock, we found ourselves in a true ‘Groundhog Day’ scenario a few hours later.

“Okay, we can do this. We can put on more clothes than last time because we know the drill,” I, almost too casually, said to my husband who was swiftly slipping on jeans, socks, and a warm sweater. I truly admired him right at that moment. “This is crazy, I know, but what can we do?” Dan said. “Let’s make sure Michael and Marsha are ready to go back out into the street for round #2.”


I was feeling extremely sorry for anyone who might have taken sleep enhancing medication before going to bed that night. What a daunting experience this would have been for them. Then again, taking some form of drugs seemed very appropriate this time around. Same scenario; same place of refuge; same throbbing blue lights, same duty shift for the boys of the Scottish Fire And Rescue Service; same malfunctioning switch in the basement; same (similar) amount of time out in the frigid, early morning temps; and same shame-faced manager fearing that everyone would ask for monetary compensation after all was said and done. We didn’t go there.

The same moon (only shifted a bit in the night sky) stared down at us as though the Cheshire Cat was mischievously flashing his huge grin. What a welcome we had been given by mysterious Scotland during our first night there. Did we pass your test given to first-timers? Actually, that’s all the four of us ever really wanted to know.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Wear your mask and we’ll get through this.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Photos Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved 

Friday, January 22, 2021



A series of essays....


Photo Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

“The music didn’t help. It was upbeat and cheerful, but it had a way of getting into your blood and making you want to feel as alive as humanly possible.”

The Irish Cottage: Finding Elizabeth by Juliet Gauvin


This particular quote epitomizes how many of us feel this Inauguration Week. Even while we’re still reeling from the past four years of non-leadership and constant frustration and so many lies—the filtering of Irish music into our souls in the form of a good man by the name of Joe Biden cannot be helped. His music is upbeat, cheerful, and strong and makes us feel as alive and hopeful as humanly possible; as delighted and visceral as an Irish Step Dance performed on a Saturday night.

So, this is not the time for any of us to wallow in sadness any longer. Certainly there are a multitude of duties to be performed by the ‘powers that be’ in Congress which includes an impending trial within the Senate. President Biden (I can’t tell you just how good this title sounds!) and his new staff of intelligent, hard working, and forthright human beings have hit the ground running in order to expedite the changes needed to reverse a legacy never wanted in the first place.

I sit here, alone, as the sun rises over the pristine facade of our Capitol Building reflecting the shimmer of hope that resides in our hearts this golden morning. I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am feeling the peace of Irish music flowing around and through me, upbeat and cheerful—enticing me to feel more alive than I’ve felt in over four years.

“To heal we must remember.” — From the Inauguration Speech of President Joe Biden


His physical body might be in a different place, but his damaged mind and corrupt heart will remain with him wherever he goes. Because he is such a hateful man and perpetrator of horrific crimes against the wellbeing of others, no matter where he resides, this will never change; he will never be able to see or enjoy the positive light that illuminates those of sound mind and character.

It is entirely up to us to make good change happen. We must believe in ourselves and the power of acceptance and unity in order to wake-up with joy in our hearts. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are only the competent hors-d'œuvres! There is a long road ahead of us. We must not become complacent knowing that good people are, once again, placed by we the people, in pivotal positions designed to create laws of responsible protection, leadership, and future advancements for ALL of the citizens of this great nation.

Before the full blast of unity can be achieved, our immediate agenda needs to pinpoint equality as its main goal. I don’t believe unity can be fully met until we understand how important it is to see all people equal in one another’s eyes. I’ve written often before about how the elimination of white supremacy in this country is the premier ticket to the unification of our people. Once we eliminate separation by color and class and fully embrace diversity, with means of education and advancement—unification will always be left drifting in the rear view mirror.

“Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.” — Amanda Gorman, American Poet


Shortly after January 6, 2021, a friend was feeling down and out and floundering in the muddy existence of disgust and fear. I proceeded to write her back with these words of encouragement: “Hope is a commodity, as useful and valuable as water is precious...never lose it.” Never, never lose hope. Lose some weight, lose a bad attitude, or lose the feeling that the world revolves solely around you—but, never allow yourself to lose the feeling that what we want or expect can be had if we truly desire it badly enough. 

It is time to fall in love with life again. We must find areas of our life that are working well and capitalize on them.  It’s time to be totally aware of how someone has emotionally affected us in such a way that they have opened up our mind to feeling happy and absolutely appreciative of the world around us. We must be able to wake up in the morning and instantly tap into that blissful feeling of appreciation and carry it with us throughout the day! Dare we hope that this feeling will awaken our spirits and allow us to love life again?

Walls of apprehension shall be torn down in order to make way for positive deeds and thoughts; new chapters of our life. I deeply hope that through the guidance and leadership of our new administration brand new attitudes and avenues are explored, widened, and fortified with the spirit of our Founding Fathers, the characteristics of a new Renaissance period, and the wisdom and love of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Congressman John Lewis, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Indeed, our cup would runneth over if we only dared to hope.

“American Aspiration is what drove the women in this nation, throughout history, to demand equal rights.” — From the Inauguration Speech of Vice President Kamala Harris

I hope you stay safe, happy, and healthy. Always take good care of yourselves and those you love.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Thursday, January 14, 2021



A series of essays....

LEAF VEINS, AND FENCING SQUARES. seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Repetitive rhythms can serve to soothe the weary soul, instill patterns in our mind that help us accomplish great things, and even bring us to the brink of poetic enlightenment! However, if handled incorrectly, they can implant, drop by drop, a sense of immorality and defiance, more formally known as re-education or brainwashing.

Children’s literature applies repetitive rhythm with the desire to encourage and shape a young mind into following the right path into the future. The Little Engine That Could, a book by Watty Piper, with its inspiring motto of “I think I can! I think I can!” has spoken to generations of girls and boys about the value of optimism and hard work. And, whether we want to admit it or not, when push comes to shove we can find ourselves repeating in our heads “I think I can! I think I can” as adults in order to push ourselves up and over a difficult situation. 

Repetitive rhythms stimulate our adult daily lives in many different ways. It may be the music we choose to listen to while crawling out of bed at a set time and stumbling our way into the kitchen to perform the morning ritual of making coffee, and each repetitive act can be as soothing and important to us within our daily routine. We create patterns for ourselves that ground us to the particular life we’ve chosen and keep us on track each day. Can comfortable rituals eventually  become boring? Perhaps, but we tend to offset them by sleeping in late on a Saturday morning or by taking a trip where breakfast is made and served to us by others—for a change. 

Being part of an established routine or being associated with performances instituted according to a rite or ritual have helped us form the pockets of social existence for centuries. As travelers, we’ve come to appreciate the variety of music, food and drink, literature and poetry, routines, and dress that varies from one culture to another. These patterns and rhythms might be exactly why we travel in the first place and why having others share their rituals with us is considered a true gift. 

The sound of drumbeats alongside the repetitiveness of soft leather-clad feet pounding the earth in tribal rhythms that coordinate with the syncopated beats of colorful beads adorning heads and necks and ankles, partially describes our first and foremost American culture. It has been waiting in the wings far too long; denied its original rights as the true indigenous people of North America who stand as proud today as they have for centuries. This society, comprised of art, customs, spirituality, family, and oral tradition, can openly influence this nation and provide a comforting buffer between old and new as time passes; its repetitive rhythms will help to soothe our soul and awaken the love that is sorely needed in today’s world.

Many of us find solace in the unique rhythm of the mighty sea with its breakers crashing onto the sandy shoreline and the violent, foaming seawater coating our feet white before attempting to slide back out into the murky depths beyond. The repetitive pulse of the water keeps time with our own body rhythms and draws us closer and closer to our primitive beginnings. 

Repetitive rhythms have played a pivotal part in our nation’s political overview for the past four years. The president’s verbal and written lies repeated over and over again served as his re-education program of those gullible enough to believe them. The direct summoning up and stroking the hatred of his fired-up believers led to that mob becoming domestic terrorists as they stormed the Capitol Building last week leading to ultimate death and destruction.

The repetition of lies played an important role in stoking the anger and fervor of people who want to believe in something so badly that nothing else said, or no other opinion noted, will change their way of thinking. Our current president is a master of manipulation. His forced indoctrination into a new set of attitudes and beliefs has been nothing short of brainwashing his followers. Repeating his lies of a “rigged election” and exploiting his cries of “fake news” over and over again has perpetuated a repetitive rhythm of persuasive conditioning that has enraptured the weak minded and made them believe in the absurdity of his narcissistic goals. His minions, Rudy Giuliani and others, helped to light the flame of the mob by “Calling for a trial by combat.” 

America and her principals have, literally, come under attack. Within the natural rhythm of right and wrong, good vs. evil—we have no option but to respond.

Part of the legacy of this president, one week after the storming of the Capitol by his militant thugs, will be his second impeachment and further proof that his childish repetition of simple vocabulary and violent, racist implications continue to sow the seeds of hatred throughout this country. May the repetitive rhythms of sound thinking, equality and justice for all ring out loud and clear. We must remember that fear is fleeting and truth will prevail.

Last week was not just a stain on our democracy; last week was a permanent and hideous tattoo on our democracy! White supremacy is our greatest threat and we must face it head on.

Continue to stay healthy and safe. Always take good care of those you love.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Friday, January 8, 2021


 A series of essays....


Courtesy PhotoQuest/Getty Images seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

‘Tis the season for keeping my favorite ‘soothing hydration’ body lotion, packed with a triple hydration complex and a one percent punch of Aloe Vera, close at hand at all times. Not messing around here, folks! Between the naturally freezing temps outdoors (not that I am out there too often these days) and the artificial heat indoors, my skin begins to dry and crack like an unloved piece of leather furniture. Ugh!

Truthfully, constant hand-wringing feels less uncomfortable when the skin becomes softer and more supple to the touch.

Right along with you, there has been a lot of hand-wringing going on in my household and this past year has been nothing short of eye-opening! It has rewritten, so far, at least one full chapter from the ‘book of life’ and has made us realize how flexible we have to be when it comes to any and all things that deviate from what we had always considered to be ‘the norm.’ Indeed, we have entered the age of what we recognize as modified normalcy and this concept is changing how we feel, think, and react to ideas every single day.

For example: When someone coughed or sneezed nearby us prior to March of 2020, we might not have liked being too close to them for fear of getting a cold. We never dreamt of associating these uncontrollable body functions as possible symptoms of a deadly, air-borne disease. 

Taught as a small child that the Catholic Church represented the religious philosophies of my parents, I passed from one parochial school to another for seven years, totally at the whim of my father’s job and a series of promotions. Gratefully, my early studies included the understanding that others followed their own path towards spiritual enlightenment. By the time I reached high school and we stopped our nomadic lifestyle as a family, I was well aware of and interested in the religious beliefs connected with friends and acquaintances. I felt more worldly and mature for embracing this knowledge.

Similarly, my social studies class and local, small town politics taught me that not all politicians followed the same belief in which rules and regulations should guide them in order to assist the people who helped put them in office in the first place. But, one thing I was pretty certain of was that the Constitution of the United States of America, the official ‘rule book’ written for and adopted by the people, was forever beyond reproach. Ratified in 1788, it has been in operation since 1789 and has become the world’s longest surviving written charter of government.

The brazen coup attempt we saw play out on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, this past Wednesday, reflected a group of miscreants who pledged their allegiance to a white, nationalist cult bent on overthrowing our government. Seduced and brainwashed by their own president and his minions, their obsession and devotion to him overpowered any sense of right from wrong. 

It is frightening to see how they have become increasingly emboldened by their newfound capabilities and are strengthened and encouraged by their toxic leadership. My fear is that they will only become more sophisticated in their attempts at treason and many more people will die, historical buildings may be completely destroyed, and judging by the numerous children we see within their gatherings, future generations will learn the ‘rules of hopelessness’ taught to them by their parents and cult leaders.

You can’t hold people accountable by just putting the truth in their faces; you have to hold them accountable by putting them in jail and making them pay for their crimes. This is when they might begin to understand the reality of their actions and possibly feel a semblance of remorse. The people who have disparaged what our government truly stands for must be accountable for their actions—right now!

We have met the enemy in this case and, regrettably, the “deplorables” are our own people and not the British this time around. They arrived at our ‘Shining City on the Hill’ from every state, pulled together by hate and pushed forward by their fear of missing out on being a part of something that accepts them for who they are. (You can fill in that blank on this one.) They are people who surround us in our daily lives, linked together and taunted by what they deem a cause greater than themselves with no regard for our safety, their own safety, or the well being of those they love.

Regrettably, they have championed the thuggery of this deplorable president.

Losing their lord and master as leader of this great nation is something too difficult for them to understand, especially considering that this man continues to grind the untruth of his imaginary win over Joe Biden into them day and night, forcing them to react to his pettiness. So, I ask you, who needs to be accountable for his own actions? He may have broken all of the rules set forth by our Constitution, laughed in the face of justice whenever possible, and led poor fools into the fray by means of brainwashing, and gotten away with all of the above, but HE MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS! To dismiss them now would be a failure this country and our government simply cannot afford.

The arrow of time only points forward in this new year. We have learned so much in the past several years: MAGA hats fade from red to pink. The Senate Majority Leader (Mitch McConnell) can fall from his pedestal of power, eventually, just like any other entity. And, hopefully, people can be guided in the right direction and see beyond the trail of lies that have been held in front of their eyes for so long. 

If our neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances are our enemies today, ideas must change; inviting a civil war into our already coronavirus riddled lives is a doubled-dosed recipe for immediate disaster. We must cut the head off of the snake—today! This president of the next thirteen days must be stopped, even after he leaves office, and must never be considered relevant, again. He must not be allowed to lead anyone else, Americans or Republicans in general, down this path of fantasy and ultimate destruction. May this new year be the beginning of our healing process; the ultimate soothing lotion aimed to appease our eager longing for peace and required understanding.

Promise to take good care of yourselves and those you love.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved