MOVING ON.....2024

A Note From The Author: Jacqueline E. Hughes

I am so happy to welcome in the new year, 2024!!! My Blog is changing-up a bit....mainly because I am evolving. Travel will always take precedence in my life and, my journeys will be shared with you. This 2024 version will offer a variety of new stories and personal ideas, as well. This is all about having fun and enjoying this Beautiful Journey called......Life!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2023



A series of essays….

       Courtesy of Red Earth

….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Comprised of ten years, or one-hundred and twenty months, which equals five-hundred and twenty-one point seventy-eight weeks — I’ll stop right there! Leap years happen every four years and are important so that our calendar year matches the solar year — the amount of time it takes for Earth to make a trip around the Sun. Leave it to our Earth — always in a hurry!

A decade can be a lengthy, short, or moderate amount of time depending upon our personal perspective. As a baby-boomer, adding ten healthy years to my life expectancy can be a toss-up between good and bad: yeah, I’m happy to have lived another ten years or, no, unfortunately, I am ten years closer to…well, you know, the end of my personal rodeo. Whereas, an eight-year old might be thinking more about independence or going off to college in ten years time. 

A ten year time span can be gauged positive or negative depending upon various factors such as health, economic means, quality of life, support from family and friends, or our own futuristic prospects, goals, and dreams. I read somewhere that if and when we stop dreaming, this is when a productive life begins to wane, decrease in its momentousness. Holding on to our hopes and aspirations will always give us something to look forward to, as well as a raison d’être, a reason for being, no matter what our age might be!

Even through the most difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, my dream of travel was never completely undermined; just delayed. I believe my writing and Blog essays kept me going most of the time and still do, today. 

It all began a decade ago, due to our Irish friend and traditional Irish music artist whom we reunited with back in 2013, Adrian O’Connor. Adrian lives in the colorful village of Doolin, located in County Clare, with his amazing wife, Bev. Doolin is considered a trad music hotspot, as well as a gateway to the ancient sites on the Aran Islands, which are just offshore. The towering Cliffs of Moher lie southwest of town. Farther north and east, the Burren is a stark area of limestone beds and extreme beauty, not to be missed.


Dan and I met Bev and Adrian on a previous trip to the Wild Atlantic Way along the west coast of Ireland when they hosted our stay at Craggy Island B&B in Doolin. Adrian sat with us back then in his parlor and gave a history lesson in Irish traditional music (folk music) and how he has played a part in it over the years. That visit solidified our love for the west coast of Ireland. Adrian and Bev made us want to return. And, we did! We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary there in September of 2013. 

Unfortunately, due to health reasons, they had to give up running their two-story, white stucco home as a Bed & Breakfast so that Adrian could recoup his health and become stronger. Unfortunately, Bev was out that afternoon we stopped by Craggy Island. Even though it had been seven years between visits, when Adrian came to the front door I saw the ‘twinkle of recognition’ in his dark blue eyes. We sat outside in the gracious Irish sunshine and talked about everything. Eventually, I asked him about a promise he once made to me seven years before.


He silently sauntered back into the house as if remembering the kettle was on, and I knew what he was after as tears already began to flow from my eyes. Adrian returned within moments carrying a small set of pipes that appeared as old and craggy as our dear friend, himself. He promised to play the pipes for us seven years ago, but we’d all been too busy for this private concert to take place. Now, through his illness and recovery, as sure as the salty Atlantic winds continue to lash relentlessly across this amazing coastline, Adrian’s music washed over us like a Mother’s sweet breath as we stood swaying back and forth…promise fulfilled.

I could barely make out his face through my tears. As sure as the Irish sun was shining down upon us, I knew we were in the midst of a power so mysterious and strong, it was bigger than all of us, yet was all of us combined. Love isn't complicated. You just have to be aware of it with every breath you take. My 'tears of happiness' equaled nothing short of pure peace and much needed solace. I can’t thank you enough, my friend.......!

Many things crossed my mind as we were pulling out of Adrian's gravel driveway and waving good-bye to our friend and soulmate. He was a survivor and possessed talent beyond compare. He made you believe in yourself. And, his unselfishness spread warmth and kindness to the four corners of County Clare and beyond. 

Adrian made me do it! His will to carry-on within the uncertain world we live in coupled with his desire to continue to cherish everything he loved, told me I needed to share this story with others. On Friday, October 18, 2013, I published my first Blog post that was simply entitled, AdrianMOVING ON…..2013 was officially born! 

I will always see Ireland as a rich, artistic performance, alive with nuance, as in forty shades of green! With nearly five-hundred stories/essays behind me, basically, one essay per week of Blogging, I know many of them reference my beloved Ireland and how this magical place piqued my interest as I gathered friends there and so many memories; so many stories to write about.

Accordingly, Dan and I will continue traveling this September (our favorite time of the year) collecting more stories to be shared with all of you. We plan to celebrate our 50th anniversary in Wales with side trips in Devon and the Cotswolds. There will be so many rich stories to relay to you upon returning home, once again. I can hardly wait…!

Copyright © 2023 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Thursday, April 20, 2023


A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Even before moving up to Kalamazoo nearly five years ago, I had been blessed with a strong friendship with a lady by the  name of Marsha. She is a beautiful soul, a retired librarian, wife of a very talented high school friend of ours, and a grand part of the literary scene within the greater Kalamazoo area. My indoctrination into many groups, clubs, new friendships, and the amazing talent of artists of all forms and degrees is, mainly, due to Marsha. She has opened doors for me with introductions to local people who make-up this incredibly gifted atmosphere we live in here in Kalamazoo. I keep hoping to breathe it all in while promoting my own writing in the meantime.

Every other Monday afternoon, Marsha and I meet within our group of eight ladies which is entitled Voices on the Margin. Here we choose and discuss the works of a different published poet whether they be local or from all over the country. We slice and dice the work of each poet, digest their raison d’être, and attempt to incorporate their style, format, truths, and ideas, albeit casually, into our own work. Two weeks later, we will have written a poem loosely based on the general understanding of that poet’s work then read our poetry aloud in class to be analyzed, gently improved upon, all while offering each of us more confidence in ourselves and what we desire to achieve via our own poetic style. Simple joy!

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My sprouting plants have recently shrugged off another bout of springtime snowfall and remain robust, healthy, and strong. Soon, the invisible veil of sweetness, sugar of the gods, will waft throughout the garden sending a modicum of peace to be savored by humble humans. Varying shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, and sultry greens will intermingle with snow white blooms creating free-form artwork that promise to hang within our memories when the winter months return. That is the future. This is the present. For now, I want to gulp in the fragrances and delight in the soothing colors until pure joy lives in my heart—lasting a lifetime!


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Several weeks ago we decided to give our Goldendoodle, Bree, a little more freedom around the house. Even though she loves sleeping in her crate at night, she loves being closer to us, as well. Plopping her super cushy bed under the bench at the foot of our bed, she comes into our room as we’re getting ready to snuggle in for the night. Crawling into her own bed, she enjoys listening to the soft piano music we play for an hour that helps to settle us into sleep mode. I love listening to her soft breathing whenever I roll over in the middle of the night and find that just by her being there, I feel comforted and more relaxed. A definite win-win situation! 

This morning, right around seven, I was thrilled by the duet that was flowing around me. Dan’s early morning softer snoring (a vast improvement from his stressful, sleepless nights of years past) had a gentle rhythm to it that left small intervals between each volleyed chorus. Within each gap there seemed to be a distant echo filling in the spaces; a repeated pattern of sound on a much smaller scale. When I realized that Bree was in concert with Dan’s rhythmic vibrations, the combined harmony was entirely too precious. How could it not make me feel blessed and place a smile on my face? Such joy…!

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Joy is putting the phone down after speaking with a close, long distance friend. Janice is someone who soothes a weary soul just by listening to her voice. When I need—no, require—a bit of calming down or an engagement in belly-rolling laughter, I know that the few spare moments Janice may have in her busy life will gladly be saved just for me. I know she feels the same about me. Even if several months fill in the gap between phone calls, our conversation resumes as if time itself holds no weight within a perfect world and a compatible friendship of over twenty years. She is the Yin to my Yang. Doesn’t everyone need a Janice in their life?

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Our fifteen-year-old granddaughter, Brenna, will soon be celebrating her sixteenth birthday in May. Yes, a right of passage will consist of passing her driving test and receiving her driver’s license. This amazing young lady is, possibly, one of the most disciplined people I know with the uncanny ability to excel in everything she is involved in. Beginning at a very early age, she has worked her way up through the grueling ranks of the gymnastic world with constant practices, learning how to place one’s body in so many unfathomable positions, and attending scheduled meets that take her all over the country!

Two weeks ago, at her final regular meet of the season, her vault, beam, uneven bars, and floor exercise were judged good enough to have her take a position at States held in Mt. Pleasant. If Brenna excelled there, she would proceed to Regionals in three week’s time to be held in Akron. Well, Ohio, here she comes! Needless to say, we are all so proud of her. The joy she brings to all who know her is complete and sincere in every way. And, if you happen to live in the Kalamazoo area, please don’t worry about this soon-to-be sixteen-year-old driving around town—she is perfectly capable of meeting all the requirements of a good driver!

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I know that in the grand scheme of things, fifty years is merely a gentle drop in the old proverbial bucket as far as history is concerned. But, when time is measured by individual memories, this length of time becomes more personal and poignant when dealing with life stories and events. This year, in September, my memoirs will include a very fulfilling fifty years of wedded bliss. Oh, come now—we all know that marriages, as blissful as they might be at times, go through ups and downs, laughter and tears, especially after such a mighty period of time. Blissful and joyful satisfaction can be the fabric that is woven between the rough patches that all marriages experience. Finding a good balance between them may be the main reason for long term happiness in any marriage. Inherent joy is the reward.

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This September will mark another significant milestone for me. I will celebrate writing about my travels, the people I have met along each journey, memories of my childhood and the family I grew up with, my impressions of a radical political scene, and about love, possibly the greatest of all human feelings and emotions. My contributions to Moving On….2013 and beyond have, for the most part, dealt with the power of love and I’ve expressed this through my prose, poetry, and short stories for the past ten years.

It is my delight and joy to share with all of you snippets of my life with the hope that, just maybe, you will be able to identify with or remember the things that happened in your own life to be recalled with fondness, perhaps a bit of sadness, but, hopefully, with love. Help me celebrate this tenth year of writing by continuing to read my stories and sharing them with others. We all desire to fill our life with joy. My joy is gathered within by hearing that even one of my stories has pierced your heart, rocked your world, or helped to make a fond memory surface from the deepest part of your being. Love and Joy to all!

Copyright © 2023 by Jacqueline E Hughes 

All rights reserved