A series of essays.....
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.....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E. Hughes
Why do we still believe in miracles? Put quite simply, because it’s so important to keep hope alive!
What is considered a miracle, anyway?
A miracle can be defined as something completely different and personal by each one of us. A miracle could be considered an act as mundane as having a cabbie stop for you in Downtown Manhattan on a rainy day, or finding the perfect buyer for your home within days of listing it. It may be as complicated and pure as knowing that each tiny snowflake is created with its own intricate and individual pattern, or observing the miracle of life while placing your hand on your Mommy's growing tummy and feel your baby brother or sister kicking from within.
A miracle can be defined as something completely different and personal by each one of us. A miracle could be considered an act as mundane as having a cabbie stop for you in Downtown Manhattan on a rainy day, or finding the perfect buyer for your home within days of listing it. It may be as complicated and pure as knowing that each tiny snowflake is created with its own intricate and individual pattern, or observing the miracle of life while placing your hand on your Mommy's growing tummy and feel your baby brother or sister kicking from within.
Any instance of things that happen beyond our normal threshold of understanding or control, and is a superb example of something wonderful and marvelous, can be entitled miraculous, no matter how large or small the case in point may be.
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I believe we underestimate the true power of this seven letter word or, at least, its meaning has been diluted as time slips through our fingers and passes by like the sands in an hour glass. The flow of sand visually fascinates us even when we know that the size of the opening, gravity, and the amount of sand itself are three factors that allow each grain that passes from one compartment to another the ability to, literally, capture time in a bottle!
Miracles have been described as extraordinary occurrences that surpass all known human powers or natural forces and are ascribed to a divine (godly) or supernatural cause.
Having grown-up within the doctrine of the Catholic Church and participated in it’s particular theology every day as a child, miracles were always a part of my life in the form of ‘turning water into wine,’ returning sight to a blind man, and attending mass each morning before classes and staring at Jesus hanging on the cross above the altar, blood draining from his hands, his feet and a large, man-inflicted gash beneath his breast bone. The belief that he died for our sins and rose from the dead three days later to sit at the right hand of his Father is of central importance to the Christian faith. For a small, wide-eyed kid....nothing could be more miraculous than this.
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Courtesy: Wikipedia
From an early age, we learn about, analyze, and want to believe in the prospect of good things happening that are, many times, far beyond our control. It’s just so cool to think that there’s an invisible superpower acting on our behalf! This gives us hope to cling to when our future may look grim. To think that when we least expect it, if we think or pray hard and long enough, something that is much larger than any of us could happen and change our life for the better; just like that!
As an American, a Christian person, and all-around hopeful individual living in a land that has drastically shifted gears from caring about mankind and human rights in general to shifting its attention to only a handful of rich, power hunger, over-privileged, greedy, people...it’s time to believe and hope in the power of miracles. We certainly could use a ‘doosie’ right about now, Mr. Mueller...if you’re listening!
However, we must not place all of our eggs in one basket, and we must be intelligent enough to see and understand the danger of false hope associated with this practice. For miracles (change) to take place, a certain balance must be achieved between the ‘Spirit of Hope’ itself and the hard work and dedication contributed by all of us who believe it is our duty to keep all hope alive and well.
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With Hope as our guideline and hard work the game plan, let us feel encouraged by the fact that so many of us are finding that balance in our lives and continue to make things happen and shake things up.
From the depths of despair can arise renewed hope just like the Phoenix rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another day. Several Sandy Hook family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, have organized the ‘Sandy Hook Promise,’ a national non-profit organization with the intent of honoring all victims of gun violence by providing programs and practises that protect children and prevent the senseless and tragic loss of life.
The powerful miracle here is witnessing the strength and resilience that many survivors of these violent crimes seem to attain in order to move on with life. They create needed change through their organizations, marches, and sit-ins, and offer the rest of us examples of non-violent, productive action after such horrendous circumstances changed them, forever.
From the Sandy Hook parents to the Parkland shooting survivors and their anti-gun violence activism, they continue to make vibrant ripples across the deep waters of change. Sadly, they represent all of the victims of senseless mass shootings that have suffered before, between, and after their own experiences. I remain proud and strong because of all of you...
Whether you believe in small or large miracles, something wonderful happening in your life, or extraordinary and divine occurrences that may just change your life forever....it’s time to keep all of your possibilities and options open. The important ingredient is that you ‘Believe.’ Keeping ourselves open to anything good these days is an asset to our health and well-being and realizing that those around us are contributing to this cause will boost and enhance our positive feelings of joy and love.
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Courtesy: pinterest.com
Hang in there with me, my friends because, whether we realize it or not, miracles happen every day! Like lightening bugs glowing brightly in the backyard in the darkness of night, we need to open our eyes, find them, and be guided by their light.
Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved
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