A series of journeys.....
.....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E. Hughes
We can all agree by now that life is an amazing journey filled with wanderlust, new beginnings, healthy lifestyle alternatives, brilliant stories, and interesting people lining the entire path. And, if we are fortunate enough, some will join us walking hand-in-hand every step of the way.
Today I am celebrating my one hundredth post on Moving On.....2015. I am thinking how I'd like to gather each story in my arms and go with a huge 'Group Hug' right now, briefly pat myself on the back, and then tell myself to regroup and go create, at least, one hundred more!
Each time I post a story, I am sharing a part of me with all of you. It may be about a fleeting moment in time well spent chasing a dream or, in many cases, fulfilling a lifelong goal. I am opinionated and informative at the same time and serve to seek out your own thought-provoking ideas while encouraging stimulating discussions. No matter what the particular topic may be each week, every essay, collection, book review, conversation, and story is my way of telling the world just how much I love being a part of this process called LIFE....

In celebration of this particular milestone, I choose to thank several entities that have directed me along my own journey and honor each with a few short paragraphs of appreciation. If you have been following 'the ride' with me, you will recognize them. If you've recently joined my personal excursion into life's abundance and joy....you will delight in the emotions that have fueled my work and exposed my passions. The greatest of these is Love.
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This morning, Christmas morning, has been blessed with feather-like snowflakes dancing around just beyond the mullioned window and resembling tiny ballerinas drifting down from the clouds. I have made my way downstairs a bit early so that I can prepare and place my breakfast quiche into the hot oven to bake. I am hoping the delicate aroma will tempt everyone downstairs soon...as if the prospect of opening Santa's goodies from beneath the tree isn't enticement enough.
Adrian stood and told us he would be right back, as if, suddenly, remembering the kettle was on. He returned within moments carrying a small set of pipes that appeared as old and craggy as our dear friend. Okay, so I could barely make out his face four songs later due to the tears freely flowing from my eyes. I knew, as sure as the Irish sun was shining down upon us, as precious as the memory of a grandchild's kiss, as blissful as an invigorating walk through a green-splashed forest on a Sunday morning.....we were in the midst of a power so great and strong, it was bigger than all of us. Yet, it was all of us combined. Love isn't complicated. You just have to be aware of it with every breath you take. My 'tears of happiness' equaled nothing short of pure peace and solace in my life. Thank you my friend.....
Paris, France: Any day of the year!!
So many remarkable stories fill my mind when I look at the amazing buildings of Paris! The flavors and tastes of Paris all enriched by her sumptuous beauty…just waiting to be unwrapped over and over again by ‘fresh eyes’ and open hearts! To stand on the balcony overlooking the quintessential icon of Paris, La Tour Eiffel, as I kiss the one I love so deeply, excites me beyond belief! It would be a privilege to call this place ‘our home,’ even for a moment in time, and immerse ourselves within the power and beauty of the most delicious city in the world! My heart has already arrived….
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Orlando, Florida: Joe Bonamassa Concert, December 19, 2014
Color creates moods; color changes moods. Color evokes memories and, in turn, produces responses from those memories. Yet, color is timeless. Color is ageless. It can be yesterday, today, or tomorrow and ebb and flow offering irregular outlines that shift like the seas with the tide.
Soft, powdery blues mixed with powerful beams of bright, white light spotlighted Joe and turned the stage into an extraterrestrial-like encounter as this eclectic mixture of talented musicians delivered an intricately textured, unplugged experience. At one point, the white illumination resembled sailing ships carrying the music across an imaginary sea and back to Europe, the place which lent its vintage flair to this acoustic blues set.
Nostalgia: February 5, 2015
Nostalgia, my old friend.... Why must I always find you lurking in the vast recesses of my mind, waiting, waiting for my vulnerability to emerge? Wrap me in your rose-tinted veil so that I may see all that I long for once more. Seduce me with your false promises and drown this present feeling of 'hope lost' so that I may smile and feel whole once again, if only for a short while.
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My journey into the life of this interesting female author began because of a quote online that struck me as one of the best 'writing prompts' I'd seen in a long while. Spoken by her character, Ruth, in the novel, The Morning Gift, Eva Ibbotson wrote, "I want to live like music sounds." There's something quite magical in this statement. How does this interesting quote affect you? Are you conjuring up all sorts of pictures in your head right now as I am? From the four most recognized notes (Big Bang Introduction) of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 to the haunting dirge called A Prayer sung by Madeleine Peyroux from her album Dreamland.....and all of that 'life' filling in the huge area in between, our lives are surrounded by the sounds, noise, and notes that swirl and collect around us every moment of our existence!
Patriotism: July 2, 2015
PATRIOTISM conjures up the image of tri-corner hats and the courageous warnings of an American silversmith and engraver. The vivid impression of a loved one marching off to protect and defend with the pending separation beating life's blood rhythmically between kindred hearts. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.....!" The school day begins with white stars in a backdrop of deepest blue and broad red and white stripes etched against the industrial green walls of the classroom. Who doesn't recall, at some point in time, the irregular rhythm of halyard and snap hooks clanging against a metal flagpole just outside of an office building or in the schoolyard on a breezy day?
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The foyer of the restaurant was comparatively small, just enough room to allow several people respite from a summer shower, if need be. The six of us occupying this enclosed, hollowed space created an unusual feeling of quietness after a few minutes. As we sat comparing notes in whispered tones on our side of the space, it was apparent that silence prevailed on the opposite side.
Texting a friend? Checking her messages? Deleting unnecessary emails? Checking game scores? Absolute quiet. With silent keyboards, there wasn't even the sound of 'clicking' to stir-up the atmosphere. Were we witnessing a complete disregard for the unique enjoyment of interacting with those physically close to us? Exchanging human contact with cyber interfacing instead? With minds compartmentalized by their own devices, mother and daughter, husband and wife, sat silently, deep within their private worlds.....for a very long time.
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Cocoa Village, Florida: September 25, 2015
Timeline: September 15, 1997
Google.com is registered as a domain. The name....a play on the word "googol," a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeroes, reflects Google's mission to organize and seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.
Timeline: September 25, 2015
Today I am being formally introduced to the quaint and beautiful little area known as Cocoa Village. Hidden in the midst of hundred-year-old oak trees along the banks of the Indian River, this community dates back to the 1860's. Having lived a mere thirty minutes away for nearly twenty years, why am only discovering this Historic Village now?
Because of my new, dear friends, Lea and Dave, whole new vistas have opened up for me. After enjoying coffee and conversation at Ossorio Bakery & Cafe on Brevard Avenue, Lea took me on a tour of the village, introducing me to shop owners, spoiling me with small, 'unusual' gifts, and making me feel like her beloved sister come to visit from around the world! I not only enjoyed the enchanting Southern experience, but my unselfish host made me feel like a 'Queen for a Day!'
Later we met up with Dave to experience a 'Diner' extravaganza for lunch. Good food and excellent company.....near perfection! Dave, a Mathematician, Engineer, and thirty-five year military veteran, enlightened me as to the interrelationship between Google.com and the mathematical term, 'googol,' for which I am exceedingly grateful.
Lea is trying to convince me to broaden my horizons and dabble in becoming a playwright. The funny part is that I am seriously thinking about it.
Our day together sadly came to an end and I found myself driving back up the 520 to connect with the Beachline Expressway and back home to Orlando. Conveniently, perhaps subconsciously, I left my umbrella in their car. Not that this act was needed to pull me back to this lovely area or into the company of these amazing friends. That will happen again soon. When one finds treasures such as this, you keep 'them' nearby for the rest of your life....
Next week I will begin posting my second hundred stories. I can't help but wonder what intimate and surprising roads they will lead me down.
Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved