A series of essays….
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….as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
Harmony is the balance we seek within a world that has become so unstable, off kilter, and often, oppressive and dangerous. Harmony is a relationship in which various components exist together in peace. The harmonious framework of life that allows humans of all races, every species of bird and fish, all of the colors and sounds of a lush forest in summertime, to live in agreement with one another as a whole; congruity. It is the sweet spot in a musical composition that reminds us that things could be and have been different when all of the players are in cooperation with one another while playing any given piece; agreeable sounds that are consistent, orderly, and the pleasing arrangement of all its known parts.
It may seem to us that it’s only been recently that the world has become biased and unfairly prejudiced within its distorted judgment of right and wrong, good vs. evil, and its creation of a jaundiced viewpoint that leaves us with a bitter, cynical, and hostile environment in which to live. Let’s remind ourselves that there has always been, throughout the span of time, aggression; one individual or group that has denied others their right to live free and balanced by the outstretched hand of a harmonious state of being. Humankind has always been challenged by someone who desires to disrupt the positive balance of life through their greed, need for power, and general lack of scruples, or the logical motivation derived from ethical and moral principles. Their exaggerated sense of self-importance, the ego, thrives within them casting its negativity across the land behind a self-righteous smokescreen of manipulative lies and falsehoods.
Harmony must be consciously sought-after and attained before the people of the world can exist without destroying one another. It must become our priority and preemptive action before dealing with those who desire the disruption of peace in order to fulfill ancient and strong habits of annihilation and obtain power over others. As with different kinds of fish living in harmony in rivers, lakes, and streams, so must humankind understand that relationships are built on trust and the idea that various components can exist side-by-side in a harmonious fashion. It would be considered most prudent to pass all of our positive lessons on to the generations that follow with a strong emphasis on peace, mindfulness, and the sterling hope for a much more cooperative, kind, and loving world to live in. We can then, and only then, know the true meaning of living in harmony—for years to come. It can be done and it will be done. We Must Believe.
Copyright © 2022 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved