A series of essays and chats.....
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.....as seen through my eyes!
"The most important thing in all human relationships is conversation, but people don’t talk anymore, they don’t sit down to talk and listen. They go to the theater, the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read books, but they almost never talk."
~~~Paulo Coelho, Author
From time to time, our neighborhood friends meet at the corner coffeehouse to relax, sip their favorite brew or concoction, and warm-up their hands and hearts....together!
Some might think of their meeting as a 'cleansing' or 'purification of the soul.' Even though they may share similar backgrounds and values, their ideas and opinions are as diverse and variable as the weather outside of the little shop.
Let's grab a cup of our own, take a comfortable seat, sit back and listen to what today's chapter of "Coffeehouse Chatter" has to offer.....
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Six interesting and unique ladies meet once a month at their local coffeehouse to discuss their latest read, current events, careers, and discover for themselves just how strong and opinionated they can be. Let's take a sip and listen in on tonight's discussion.
JANIS: Don't get started on politics already, Mandy. We're here to discuss our latest book.
ROSIE: I'll have to agree with Janis on this one. The evening's too short and I'm not feeling mean spirited enough to tackle the political scene right now. (Cheshire Cat smile on her face)
JANIS: Thank you, Rosie.
SABINE: (Sporting her pleasing French accent) Oh, but please.... I did not comprehend this book at all!!! But, being French, I do know a bit about the politics.
JOAN: We're sorry, Sabine. I was so hoping that we could secure a copy of 'the book' in French for you.
SABINE: It is okay. But, I was not pleased with the main character. He was a nasty, hateful man who did not understand women at all. He could never capture my heart.
MANDY: (Returning with her Mocha Latte) Ahhh! I hear we have begun our discussion about DJT after all? And now, he's calling for a Revolution against the Republican Party and many high ranking party members. What an ignorant, disgusting man! If his original intent was to obliterate the Conservative Party, I can almost feel the vibrations from the impending implosion while sitting here.
JOAN: My students talk about our political status for most of our hour together and I duly encourage it. I feel that they are, at least, aware of what this election year is all about and offer their opinions even though they won't be able to vote themselves for a few years. They'll be more likely to vote, I hope, because of our discussions. I'm proud of them.
JANIS: I agree! If they begin understanding early on, they will be more involved in their future.
ROSIE: Dana, you're awfully quiet tonight. Have you gotten something to drink yet? Are you feeling okay?
DANA: I'm fine.
MANDY: We've all agreed to turn our cell phones off for, at least, an hour tonight and Dana's not too happy about it.
DANA: Nope. That's not it, exactly. It's been a long, difficult week at work. That's all.
SABINE: Oh, ma chère. This is not a good thing for you. Such unhappiness.
ROSIE: Want to talk about it?
DANA: Well, it's just that I feel like the only adult among a world filled with children. I'm walking on eggshells around the office because politics has become such a taboo right now. Nobody wants to 'rock the boat' and anger co-workers. Unlike your open-minded class, Joan. But then, I was inclined not to come to the bookclub tonight for fear of having to talk about everything that's happening. Somehow, I knew that Mandy would come through. Bingo! And, by the way, I did read 'the book' for tonight, too.
JANIS: Back when I was a much younger woman, we ladies would be relegated to the kitchen or someplace else if the men began talking politics. We didn't care to talk about it anyway.
ROSIE: Don't be silly..... First of all, you aren't that old. That was our Mother's generation who felt that way. Secondly, our generation was caught in the middle of this debate: Whether to be passive or aggressive about what was going on in the world around us.
SABINE: I am interested in learning your excitement of having a female President for the first time. This is a wonderful possibility for you, yes?
MANDY: I believe I speak for most of us here when I say that this is an amazing possibility for all women.....or, at least it should be. Breaking through the "Glass Ceiling" has been a monumental feat for Hillary. Right?
(Nods all around)
MANDY: But, I also think that having one of the strongest women I know, as well as one of the most knowledgeable, as our first female nominee has been encouraging for me.
DANA: Many women say that you shouldn't vote for someone due to their gender alone.
JOAN: That's what Mandy is saying, Dana. She's so much more than a female representative fighting for the Presidency. She's smart, tough, and willing to put all of herself out there for many of the right reasons. Nobody I know has ever questioned having a man run for office.....why question a highly competent woman?
JANIS: I see her as a threat.
ROSIE: A threat to whom, Janis?
JANIS: To many closed-minded men out there who cannot foresee being led by or governed by a woman. Come on.....we all know it's true!! My mother couldn't make important household decisions without my father's approval because he felt superior to her instead of equal. This feeling, whether we admit it or not, still exists today.
MANDY: Unfortunately, that's so true.
SABINE: I see what all of you are saying. I learn more each day about American society. But, I have one question. Are we ever going to talk about 'the book' tonight?
MANDY: Probably not, Sabine. But, hey! We all know how important 'the book' has been for all of us tonight.
JOAN, JANIS, ROSIE, & DANA: Yes we do!
MANDY: That book has brought us together to drink coffee, open up about how we feel, and take a load off of our minds.....right, Dana? That book opened up conversations we don't often have at home or work. All in all, the book has been enlightening for all of the above reasons tonight!
JOAN: As the great author, Paulo Coelho, once stated, "If we want to change the world, we have to go back to a time when warriors would gather around a fire and tell stories." So, it's a candle in the middle of our table instead....it works!
SABINE: Oh, what a great book, even though the main character is a dirty old man, yes?
MANDY: Okay, ladies; coffee down and cell phones at the ready. On the count of three....turn them back on!
ROSIE: Love you all! (Hugs and Kisses all around) I will post 'the next book' title online tomorrow! Have a great evening.....! And, drive safely, sweet friends.
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Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved