A series of essays....
Courtesy of Twitter
....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
“Do things to take care of yourselves, gather up your energy, because I know you are coming back. I know you — and I know that you aren’t ready to leave this fight. Our work continues, the fight goes on, and big dreams never die.” — Senator Elizabeth Warren, March 5, 2020
Sitting there on Tuesday morning in voting Precinct No. 25, surrounded by short, plastic walls made to protect my privacy, my personal space, and contemplating the large piece of paper before me, I felt cheated. This time, as opposed to November of 2016, I felt sad and deprived of being able to darken the little bubble adjacent to her name. My spirit was broken. I was a little girl once again being told that my older brother was the ‘golden boy’ and I’d better get used to being just a -- girl.
Of course, the appropriate bubble was darkened, my next choice for president, and the pen replaced on the little table supporting my three-sided cocoon. This was not the first time we felt demeaned for being women and, I knew, it would not be the last.
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This lady is the real deal and there isn’t a single emotion she doesn’t understand and cover within her plans to make this nation a better place. Through healing, strengthening, and being as capable as any person I know, Elizabeth is unwavering. And, she trusts that her supporters will do the right thing and turn Washington D.C. blue in November.
That alone, overturning 45’s regime, bounced back at me when making my final decision on Tuesday. By the time we walked out of our precinct in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a feeling of kindness and hope washed over me along with the bountiful spirit of Elizabeth Warren herself.
She writes that she knows we’ll be coming back and that none of us are ready to leave this fight — how could we? There’s too much at stake to be lost and forgotten about: Health care, the manipulation of Wall Street, canceling student loan debt, universal child care, consumer financial protection, creating a wealth tax (only 2 percent, sir, just 2 percent), and dealing with the current (orange?) elephant in the room, 45 and all of his minions. She has a plan already established to handle each one of these. Her knowledge and expertise would be too much to ignore. We’ll be hearing a lot from her in the months and years to come!
The true ‘elephant in the room’ right now is gender equality.
Why must we continue to push aside strong women and their nurturing, insightful ideas in order to accommodate old, white men? This is far more than a political fight; women in every aspect of life and time have been fighting this gritty battle. We only hear about it collectively when the spotlight centers on the media attention of women running for president or women seeking equal pay for the same jobs performed by both women and men. How long will it take to have the scales balance out?
Sadly, I believe that it can be women themselves who tend to sabotage other women and I’ve written about this before. Whether we believe what men have been telling us all along...that we are inferior creatures, or that women are not strong or capable enough to be good leaders, I continue to be amazed by how many women believe these weak theories and, actually, abide by them.
I believe that if all women voters truly saw females in positions of leadership and decided to persist, dream big, and fight hard, presidential candidates by the names of Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren would still be in the running; one may even have become the Primary winner! Girl power really isn’t a promise fulfilled unless more and more girls are on the same page together and join the ultimate fight to win. Hence, pinky swearing! We must never allow society to dictate our beliefs and take away our free thinking.
As long as women feel crushed by the intimidation of men, we may never see a good, strong women in the White House. We are all stronger and better than this...and we know it. The day must come when the sheer value of all human beings is recognized and highly appreciated by everyone. Stay tuned for the general fight for gender equality. If there must be a revolution, Mr. Sanders, let it be with gender equality as the winning prize!
We will always acknowledge and appreciate the love and support offered by the strong men out there who have our backs and believe in us, as well.
If we, as women, can recognize the power we own to move ahead and beat all odds stacked against us by the haters and naysayers, then we have a shot at making life better for ourselves, our daughters, and our granddaughters. So, if four-hour selfie lines and hundreds of ‘pinky promises’ made with little girls sounds endearing to you, quite simply, they are. They offer us hope for the future and transfer the love and self esteem we need to move on into a brighter, better world to live in.
Thank you Senator Warren for everything you have done and continue to do to help us realize the power within each and every one of us.
Note from the author:
Sending all of you soft elbow bumps and, slightly distant waves, and gifting you the strength to stay calm and carry on....! Even if you are not at high risk yourself, please know we ALL have a health obligation to every soul around us, as well as the moral requirement to prevent the spread of this virus. God bless all of us in the weeks and months to come.
Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved