A series of essays….
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….as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
The world remains vast, marvelous, hopeful, and somber at times, especially at the death of one of the strongest and most forthright woman ever to be illuminated in the public spotlight for over seven decades. Queen Elizabeth II.
Due to this vastness of land and its peoples that comprise a world meant to be thoroughly discovered, those of us who enjoy becoming a temporary part of a place, domestic or international, are rejoicing! Doors are opening up for all of us, once again. Whether literally or within our own way of thinking, these doors may still be creaking a bit due to lost time and lack of usage but, their sound is growing louder as the opportunities keep emerging. We are lost souls following the light from a newly opened cellar door; joy to be had in the discovery of stored, fine wine to be served during better days and shared with family and friends.
While reading and understanding more about the dedicated life of Queen Elizabeth II to her subjects on social media, I came across the artwork of the American contemporary artist, Shelby McQuilkin, and fell, instantly, in love with her work. And, eventually, with the artist herself.
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Her painting, The Courageous, was “dedicated to the courageous women who went before us and did what they said we couldn’t do, who went where we weren’t permitted, who spoke when we were told to be silent. This is for the women who suffered to make way for those of us who came behind them. It’s for the suffragettes who were beaten, arrested, and rejected by their families so that I would be given the right to vote. It is for those who had to work a hundred times harder than a man for that first medical degree, first pilot’s license, first director’s chair, and first senate seat. Thank you to the women who have shown courage under fire, who have persevered, taken the hits and made the path a little easier. We can take courage in your example.” —-Shelby McQuilkin
We can ALL take courage in their example!
I am intrigued by, not only her artwork, but by her direct and obvious words of praise for generation after generation of women who helped to shape and bring the power of womanhood out of the dark ages and into the light. I began reading her Blog entitled Wet Paint in order to learn more about her. I discovered that she began her Blog two months before I did in 2013 in order to promote her amazing talent and keep in touch with her fans. (My Blog, Moving On…2022, began in October of 2013, with the purpose of expressing the joy I gained from all of my travels.)
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While reading Wet Paint I discovered why so many of her fans wondered where she had been for several years after her abrupt disappearance in 2017. Curiously, her last posts, Returning to the Easel (August 10, 2018) and Growing Strong (August 11, 2018), remain the last on her blog site.
Shelby herself goes on to explain how, on July 1, 2017, she’d suffered a heart attack, possibly induced by the repetitive use of Advil. While experiencing extreme stress in her life, she said she’d temporarily given up painting in order to concentrate on becoming healthier through eating well and exercise.
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I promised myself to make contact with Shelby McQuilkin, if at all possible, via email, her Blog, Website, and let her know that there are many of us who truly appreciate her abstract figurative, colorful, contemporary artwork that is so expressive and filled to the brim with the power of sisterhood.
What drew me to her piece, The Courageous, was her effective use of anonymity or impersonality created by her abstract figurative pieces. (When I discovered her series about Paris from 2014, I was hooked for life.) If you are familiar with the artist, Itzchak Tarkay, you will notice his subjects are female and have minimal and undefined facial features. Often, with their eyes closed, these ladies, for me, represent colorful neutrality allowing the observer to insert her/his own beloved faces onto the subjects in the paintings. While living in Orlando, Florida, we purchased several ‘Tarkay-like’ paintings of woman lounging together with unidentifiable faces, eyes closed, that had been for sale by the ‘starving artists’ group in the area. These paintings became a focal point on my family room walls offering bright colors, maternal comfort, and insight into the world around us.
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McQuilkin wrote extensively about her love of travel and The Parisians became a part of her series on France released in November of 2014. “I feel that travel is important, especially for an artist,” she explains. “We find new inspiration and fresh perspective with a change of landscape. Our world view expands; a view of the world that is different from our own. Travel challenges us. We are challenged with a different language. Traveling educates us. History, art, geography, politics. You can learn so much about other places. Travel changes us. New motivation, new perspectives on life, and a renewed vision in our eyes.”
Writing about the above ideas regarding the positive aspects of travel is why I began my own Blog nearly a decade ago. As long as my love of travel exists, Moving On… will exist, and I am very proud of all of the effort that goes into keeping it alive week after week, year after year. I truly believe that travel can breathe new life into all of us.
I congratulate artists, including Itzchak Tarkay, Shelby McQuilkin, and all of my ‘starving artists’ who elevate the power and intelligence of woman by giving them a strong and colorful voice within their powerful artistic endeavors. They have given us a view of the world that is very important, stimulating, and in tune with reality: women are strong and always have been and will continue to make headways into a world that has been dominated by male voices and ideas for far too long.
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My hope is that with our new expansion of world views through art and travel, we will be enticed to come together with one voice, united and focused. We will be able to attach our own faces of woman we know and admire to the abstract figurative individuals depicted by these artists and honor every woman who has, is, and will contribute to a Sisterhood that everyone is proud of. Woman from all over the globe— unite with restored motivation, cooperative perspectives on life, and renewed vision in our eyes!
Copyright © 2022 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved