MOVING ON.....2024

A Note From The Author: Jacqueline E. Hughes

I am so happy to welcome in the new year, 2024!!! My Blog is changing-up a bit....mainly because I am evolving. Travel will always take precedence in my life and, my journeys will be shared with you. This 2024 version will offer a variety of new stories and personal ideas, as well. This is all about having fun and enjoying this Beautiful Journey called......Life!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Future

Ninth in a series.......

A Series of Short Stories

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

How calm and peaceful it is as I sit here in my daughter's den in Michigan.  From my vantage point, snuggled warmly in an oversized crimson colored chair, I feel a bit like Santa himself looking out the mullioned front window to the sparkling snow-covered lawn and contemplating the enormous task ahead......

It's early Christmas Eve morning.  The sun has recently begun to make its presence known as it faithfully attempts to break through a deep cloud promise to enjoying a white Christmas Day tomorrow.  Two precious children calmly lie asleep above me while three others will make their way here to join us later this morning.  Right now I'm taking advantage of the early hour and peace and quiet that comes with it in order to write.

Everyone has finally arrived!  The evening takes me back to Christmas Eve Past when my own daughters excitedly played with their cousins anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 'Big Jolly Man' himself.  There were so many presents to open and so much Love spread among Grandparents, Parents and many Grandchildren.  So long ago now......

Tonight I am one of the Grandparents!  Yet, I can still recall being a Grandchild without a care in the world.  Time is truly such a fleeting thing.  Squeeze your eyes shut as tight as you can and when you open them again, the little ones have become the children of your children's.  The slinky that you opened as a favorite toy has drifted away and has been replaced by a new I-Pad opened by your oldest Grandchild.  

Christmas Eve dinner has been thoroughly enjoyed and opened presents are scattered across the floor in possessive patterns while clean-up crews of adults work their magic in every room that's been touched by the evening's festivities.  Our youngest daughter begins gathering three pajama-clad munchkins, bags of gifts, leftovers and diaper bags while our son-in-law begins to carry all-of-the-above out to the pre-warmed SUV in the driveway.  Tomorrow morning they will be off to visit the other set of Grandparents at their house where more food, treats and presents will be eaten, devoured and opened.....much to everyone's delight.  I will miss them tomorrow, sweet Lydia and the twins.

This morning, Christmas morning, has been blessed with feather-like snowflakes dancing around outside like tiny ballerinas drifting down from the clouds.  I have made my way downstairs a bit early so I can prepare and place the breakfast quiche into the hot oven to bake.  I am hoping the delicate aroma will entice everyone downstairs if the prospect of Santa's goodies aren't enticement enough. 

Gavin loves trains and Brenna dislikes having to open fancy wrapped boxes filled with socks.  It seems socks have become the modern day 'lump of coal' for girls her age.  Truthfully, they were for me, as well.  Papa holds open the giant plastic bag where rainbow colored fragments of wrapping paper and yards of curled ribbon come to rest after their short-lived stint of protecting the recipients of holiday gifts from the knowledge of what was inside each box for them...... until just the right time.  

Uniform wedges of golden brown quiche and sweet pineapple bake with fresh juice on the side have become a part of history already.  Delicious!  Snowflakes have stopped their early morning dance.  Although, still quite beautiful by itself, the decorated tree appears a bit naked devoid of the shiny gifts that initially gathered beneath it.  All is quiet, if not much more solemn now that the children have retreated to their rooms to take much needed naps.  I've decided to make time for a rejuvenating mug of hot Green Tea and, actually, find myself right back where this journey began yesterday.

Sitting here with my legs swung over one cushy arm of the very same crimson colored chair, spirals of fruity steam curling upwards from my tea mug, I take a short break from the imaginary world within the latest book I am reading.  I rest the paperback edition on my lap and contemplate the long drive back down to Orlando on Saturday and can almost feel the warmth of the Floridian sun upon my skin already.  Yes, it is a comforting, healthy feeling.....

Even though my husband's job keeps us in Florida, for the time being, I know where my heart lies.  And, if the snow piles up to the window ledges or the north wind blows its bitter cold, frosty sting right into my face....those five little souls that continue to charm me with each breath they take will always draw me into their lives and enrich mine within a sea of contentment.  

I don't have an exact timeline in mind; many circumstances are beyond my control.  But, I do know the direction my path will take me, eventually.  For now, I sink back into my paperback novel, sip my comforting tea and wait........

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