A series of essays....
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....as seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E Hughes
As November 3, 2020, looms on the horizon and is labeled a ‘lifetime game changer,’ there’s one very important decision that must be made within the next few weeks (or less). And, it is as highly anticipated as all of the pertinent questions seem to indicate: “Isn’t it about time he announces his pick?” “With so many solid choices, his decision must be very difficult.” “Joe knows what he’s doing. Give him time.” “I’ve made my decision. What about you?”
Truthfully, do you believe that this much scrutiny and care went into any of the previous choices of male candidates slated to fill the position of ‘running mate’ for any man hoping to win his bid for the presidency? Generally speaking, if they were male, of the same political party, and if their profile would guarantee votes for the top man running, he would have all the proper credentials needed for the job!
This time, I believe, it is very different.
This candidate will be a woman. Joe has ensured us of this. Just as he has firmly stated that his presidency will be diverse, engaging, and regulated by the essential principles signified by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Do you understand that this candidate will be a woman? She will serve our country alongside the president. She is not meant to outshine this fine man, Joe Biden. Rather, she will be obliged to stand beside him, assist him in making the best decisions for this country, all while knowing that her opinions will be listened to and respected. What a magnificent concept this is!
Four years ago, the devastation we felt from losing Hillary Clinton’s leadership was unbearable...for many reasons. Yes, we lost the bid for her becoming president and the opportunity to celebrate a victory for this highly capable and intelligent woman. But, we also had a pretty strong feeling that the person who was ultimately granted this prestigious role was neither qualified nor worthy. And, even though Hillary won the popular vote, her opponent squeezed through the White House front door with the help of an archaic law that was formed from a document designed to aid George Washington by easing him into the role as our first President along with his opponent and Vice President, John Adams.
The attempt to measure out all of the kinks within this train of thought was brought about by the retirement of George Washington in 1796, when the electoral system was still only a document. Congress proposed the Twelfth Amendment that required electors to vote for one president and one vice president. This amendment was ratified in 1804. The electoral system turned out to be a benefit applied to the real undemocratic problem of protecting slave states that feared being outvoted in a popular vote system and it ensured the influence of slave owning presidents for more than a quarter of a century.
Even though Hillary won the popular vote by almost three million votes, the egregious and outdated electoral vote placed one of the most heinous individuals in the White House for the past four years. His main agenda has always been to shred our country and her people into tiny bits and pieces based on his own vindictiveness, greed, incompetence, bigotry, and unquenchable racism.
Together, we’re not going to let this happen.
Together, we’re not going to let this happen.
Two-hundred and sixteen years after the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment I can honestly say, “We need Papa Joe!“ We need this kind, loving person to place his hands on our shoulders and plant a kiss on the top of our heads in order to calm us down, encourage a healing process, and stabilize our lives after so much turmoil.
His reassurance will be twofold with the addition of his running mate. This woman will be written down in history and talked about for not only who she is, but for what Joe knows she stands for, what she has already accomplished, as well as what she is capable of doing in the future in order to make this nation a model of profound leadership once again.
Even while battling a universal pandemic, staunching the hatred that has been blustering throughout our nation for hundreds of years, and consciously calculating the wrongs we’ve had to endure and have been reactivated by the current presidency, I feel pretty darn good right now. I am hopeful and enlightened by what is soon to come. And, finally, I am proud to be seated on this political bandwagon that’s riding the hills, valleys, and cityscapes with freedom as its backdrop and equality, compassion, and honesty printed on its free-flowing, red, white & blue banners.
The lady chosen by Joe Biden to ride by his side through thick and thin will be there with her infinite wisdom, guidance, and purpose even beyond Joe’s tour of duty. She will have an amazing legacy for all of the history books to acknowledge.
With so many fine women for Joe to choose from, I am glad that he is taking his time to figure out who will best fill this important position. It gives one comfort to know that he is taking this important job quite seriously. We haven’t known this feeling for quite a long time. Yes, like so many of us right now, I am eager and excited to hear her name placed out into our nation’s ethos for all to know and become familiar with on the Biden/???? ticket. Like the Phoenix rising up from the current ashes of Washington D.C., we are renewed with vigor and purpose.
I will be patient, I promise, even though it is difficult after these past few years. Just writing about all of this, while projecting my spirit into the very near future, has enlivened me beyond belief.
To all my fellow ‘Eeyore’ liberals out there today, and you know who you are, I say to you..think positive thoughts and remember this: No matter who Joe places to run alongside of him, he knows, as well as we do, that she will be a breath of fresh air, an enlightened addition to the cause, and the right person to compliment the amazing gentleman soon to be our 46th President of the United States of America!
Take good care of yourselves and others. Wear a mask in public!
Take good care of yourselves and others. Wear a mask in public!
Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved
Photo Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved
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