MOVING ON.....2024

A Note From The Author: Jacqueline E. Hughes

I am so happy to welcome in the new year, 2024!!! My Blog is changing-up a bit....mainly because I am evolving. Travel will always take precedence in my life and, my journeys will be shared with you. This 2024 version will offer a variety of new stories and personal ideas, as well. This is all about having fun and enjoying this Beautiful Journey called......Life!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2024



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes 

There Can Be Light Where There Once Was Darkness

Dappled sunshine covers the entrance to the secret tree-lined passageway that connects the outside world to a fairyland filled with wonder and joy.

Entering the lane lifts the soul to great heights and sends shivers down the spine with acute anticipation for what lies ahead. Walking slowly and savoring the moment, one is able to take in the colorful, natural sights and listen to the sweet sound of birds singing up above.

Walking closer and closer to the entrance of marvels and wonderment, I position my outstretched arms to enter first, as if reaching out and grasping all of the happiness I can afford to hold in my hands…

And Boom, just like that, my delicious dream dissolves into thin air. The walk down an Irish memory lane goes up in a puff of green-tinted smoke and I abruptly sit-up in bed like an extra in Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video. 

Reality speaks out loud and clear. What my subconscious attempts to run from in order to secure peace of mind, ends up biting me in the derrière in the long run. The joy I sought at the end of the tunnel-of-trees was, in reality, the nightmare that has haunted me for years.

The dark recesses at the end of the tunnel combine the fear and betrayal we feel as those who revere a democratic society and live according to its rules and regulations. In which direction are we headed and is our very freedom in the balance? Unfortunately, there are certain individuals who would love to remove our freedoms and bring on an authoritarian society.

If you’ve been experiencing all of the above emotions and mindsets (nightmares) just as I have—the importance of voting on or before November 5th is real, healthy, and one of the most important things you can do in this lifetime. Help to dissolve the darkness at the end of the tunnel and usher in the light…for the good of all of the people! Vote!

 The Light Brings An Abundance of Joy!

The long, narrow living room faced a sunny aspect to the south of the property. Given all of the tall, mature trees surrounding the three-quarters of an acre the cottage was situated on, accent lighting was a must and, generally, left on most of the day. 

This day was no exception because it had been drizzling autumn tears for much of the morning and, according to the weather forecast, would be for most of the day. As she sat on the far end of the dark brown, leather couch writing stories on her i-Pad, shadows of tree branches and shrubs danced across the room like fairies predicting a peaceful slumber in the near future.

She relaxed after typing several pages and surrendered to the fairy dances that slithered across the stone fireplace and unoccupied chairs in the cozy room. The little people spoke behind her closed eyelids and whispered how the day was young and she’d have plenty of time to continue her writing after dreaming about pleasant romps through the woods while plucking wildflowers at her feet.

Her sleep-heavy head drifted to the side like a cut tulip adjusting to its life in a vase. The i-Pad on her lap shifted slightly to the right but remained ready for its owner to charge onward whenever she was ready to do so. It was peaceful where she was. It felt right.

After a fairy’s moment in time, even her closed eyes detected movement and a bright color usually associated with panic or fear. Upon opening her eyes, the cozy room was bathed in shades of roses, delicious apples, and ripe cherries with a rosy glow of reflective light shining from within the cut glass candlestick holders living at the center of the dining table. The light was so strong it bounced off of the pale green walls and she amused herself thinking that the little people must have redecorated the cottage while she slept.

The sight was amazing to behold! 

Turning to her right, she gazed from the piano top bathed in red through the glass of the French doors at the back of the house and just beyond the deck to where the sassafras tree grew straight and tall. Its broad leaves clustered and drooping after a long, hot summer was, somehow, swathed in golden sunlight emanating from the southern sky; Its low profile wrapped in a sea of cerulean blue. 

Like a spotlight of hope, the sun drew fire from the brooding crimson leaves and flashed its concentrated warmth through the small house, startling the woman with her own laughter. In doing so, the happiness that glowed around her, also, grew within her. Scrapping her original story idea, she now began telling her readers about this amazing experience that opened her eyes to the power of both color and light. 

Wisdom Beyond Her Years

Lisa, sporting seventeen-and-a-half-years of age, a high school senior, could not believe that her dad was waffling between voting or not voting in this year’s presidential election. Wishing she could vote and missing the opportunity by slightly over six months, it seemed egregious to have someone she knows and loves not take the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

This is hardly the time in the history of the United States to be so cavalier as to not support democracy with all of the freedoms it has provided us, ignore the economic and healthcare plight of the middle class and the poor, and grapple with the uncalled for demise of Roe v. Wade and the rights of all women to have control of their own bodies! This last point disturbed Lisa very much especially since she was already fifteen when this law was taken away after over fifty years of service to all women, including her mother and grandmothers.

So, one day, when unusual circumstances found Lisa and her dad alone, she decided to approach him with her concerns.

— Dad. Can we talk? 

— Sure, of course.

— I hear that you aren’t planning to vote next week.

— Hey, that really doesn’t concern y..!

— Oh, but it really, really does, dad. I am a woman, nearly eighteen, and have lost my right to a better, healthier lifestyle because of a presidential administration that has never cared about the well-being of women! Now, that man is running for another term in office. He is such a disgrace as a human being, let alone as the leader of this country once again!

— I understand, Lisa, but if both candidates displease me and take me out of my comfort zone, I have my rights, too. 

— But, if your rights supersede the rights of those you love—isn’t that being counterintuitive? Shouldn’t we as responsible citizens work to correct what we perceive as wrong and then make the changes needed to create a stronger, better place to live for everyone?

— Hey, when did you become the strong politician in this family? Weren’t you just playing dress up in mom’s heels a little while ago?

— That’s just it, dad. I’m all grownup now and about to go out into this world all on my own. I’ll be in college next year and I sure would feel more comfortable knowing that I have people around me who can answer any questions I might have concerning my body and my health.

— You know that mom and I will always be there for you no matter where you are…

— I know. I appreciate that. But life can be a little more spontaneous than that.

— I gotcha, kiddo. So, what you’re asking me to do is vote like I am voting for you! Keeping it real and not wasting my vote by not showing up. Even if I disagree with even one policy for each candidate, I should realize what is at stake for others if I waste an opportunity to help make things better. That makes sense.

— Don’t just think of me, dad. So many women are in your life who need your support and love: four nieces, their mothers, your daughter, grandma, and, of course, mom, to name a few. 

— Lisa, I am very proud of you. I wish more people could get together and discuss what is on their minds. You know, I think politics might be something you should look into in the future. It could be your calling.

Perfect timing! Mom pushes open the backdoor and asks if anyone is home.

— Can I have some help carrying in the bags of groceries—please? I’m making steaks and roasted potatoes for dinner tonight. One of your favorites!

Please remember how important your vote truly is. Democracy and Freedom are at stake on November 5, 2024!

Copyright © 2024 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved


1 comment:

  1. Very smart young lady, your granddaughter. I love how she presented the situation to grandpa, well thought out and logical.
